Unsatisfactory arrangement and the solution

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Hiccup- you two had to share a room and a bed. It didn't bother you for a while, that is until you got older (about 14). You were sitting brushing your hair in your undergarments while getting ready for bed one night. He forgot to knock and you yelled he slammed the door and Stoick yelled something to him. You pulled a night shirt over your head and quickly hurried down to see Hiccup getting a scolding. "Stoick it's fine, I was dressed he just startled me". You told him.

"Hiccup, (y/n) I think it's time we find other accommodations for (y/n). Yer both getting older and soon you could get certain urges and-". Stoick explained starting to go a bit too far... Hiccup cut him off to your relief.

"We. We get it dad separate space got it". Hiccup stuttered. You went back up stairs and he chuckled closing the door to your room. You got in bed and he hesitated.

"Hiccup we aren't going to do anything you're like my brother and I can't, ya know, with my brother it'd be gross". You told him.

"Oh yeah brother, do we need to say brother? Cause I would say more like best friends, but yeah still......gross". He shuddered getting in bed next to you. You were facing each other and he looked unhappy.

"I would sort of miss you. I hope Stoick will just add on a room so we can still live together". You told him.

"It's going to be cold in here". He chuckled. You both eventually fell asleep and the next morning Stoick woke you. You realized you were laying on Hiccup's arm and quickly moved off. You both sat up and he had an unusual grin on his face.

"I have a genius idea, I'm going to build you another bed. Easy simple and not costly". He smiled.

"Sounds good to me". You said gripping Hiccup's hand under the blanket.

"Yeah sounds great". Hiccup smiled.

The night after the bed was ready. You could practically hear him shivering in his bed alone. "Hiccup"? You called.

"Yeah (y/n)"? He answered. Apposed to asking if he was cold you made something up. "I'm cold". You told him.

"You can come over here for a while. If you like". He told you. You got up and scurried quietly over to his bed you climbed in. Laying on your side you took his hand under the blanket.

Tuffnut- you were on a walk on the way to his favorite pranking spot when you fell in a narrow hole together there was no good way to position yourselves without ...things... touching you eventually were straddling him basically trying to pull yourself out. "K stop that's not working". He told you.

"Obviously". You groaned. "Wait...BARF BELCH COME HERE BOY"!! You called. Soon his tail dropped in and he pulled you both out.

Snotlout- you were on a camping trip and somehow packed too few tents. "I know what we can do". Snotlout said.

"Share the tent". You said.
While he said. "I'll sleep outside".

"Right your idea is better". You told him awkwardly.

"We can share the tent I promise I'll be a gentleman". He told you.

"Fine just stay on your side". You ordered him.

Fishlegs- you were in a boat on a trip to learn about a water fighting strategy. There wasn't much room considering you were in a row boat. The only boy that wasn't either handsy or unable to support you was Fishlegs. You were in his lap and every time you moved it was more uncomfortable. "That's it someone is getting out and it is not going to be me". You decided. You grabbed Snotlout by his vest and threw him over board.

"Now what did that solve now someone has to go get him"! Gobber groaned. "Astrid get the cabbage head before he drowns".

Dagur- you were sitting at a meeting between your father and Dagur (and inadvertently Hiccup) things had been peaceful between Berserker island and Berk. Your brother however was getting into an argument with him and it was getting bad. "Dagur". You interjected. You took Dagur's rough hand and held it in both of yours. "You've been stressed trying to reform Berserker island to its glory, and Hiccup is stressed from trying to find more dragon eye lenses. It isn't you against him it's the two of you and your built up stress against your issue". You told him calming him down. He lightly gripped your hand back and looked back at Hiccup.

"I'm going to go for a fly to calm down, join me brother"? Dagur asked.

"Gladly". Hiccup nodded. Dagur turned to leave releasing your hands and Hiccup clapped you on the shoulder. "Nice diplomacy sis". He said before following Dagur.

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