Prologue- Death

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Leah Turner P.O.V

As I was walking to school I saw a little old lady with arms full of groceries. When I looked at her I remember a saying that granny used to say to me.

"Life is unexpected, it has many twist and turns whether it has been good or bad all depends on one's self. You have the choice to either lay down and do nothing or get up even when you're in pain and keep moving forward." The day I heard this quote was the very day I changed.

When I was little maybe about 5 or 6 I lived with parents and two older brothers. The house we lived in was only a two bedroom house that when you walked in it you had to be careful not to fall through the floor. Even though we was living in such poor conditions my parents would still buy unnecessary things either for themselves or my brothers but when it came to me they would barely look at me let alone give me food. Even though the treated me like that I still loved them because if it weren't for them I wouldn't be alive and because I loved them I would get jealous of my brothers for taking all the attention away from me.

On a winter day I wasn't looking where I was going and stepped on a rotten floor board causing a whole in the ground and a whole bunch of splinters in my foot. My parents saw what happened and instead of worrying about me the scolded me and then told me that I'm too much trouble and to go outside and not to come back in till they told me to.

I went outside like I was told I don't own a jacket or even a blanket for that matter so I had to sit in the cold and freeze to death. Instead of just sitting there and do nothing I had to take out the splinters that was in my feet and leg. I was only able to pull out the big splinter because that was they only thing I could grab. I stayed outside that night and then the next day I was still outside what I didn't know was that the grandma next door was watching me she was waiting to see if I would go in or not.

By nightfall grandma was about ready to kick her neighbors butt. The morning of the third day I collapsed not food or water for three days would get to anyone then grandma didn't even care if it would be considered "kidnapping" or "breaking an entering" and brought me to her home.

When I came to I was freaking out because I was in a unfamiliar place but then the grandma came and reassured me that I was just next door and she was helping me out. She fed me and gave me some clothes she had. I asked how she had kid clothes and then she told me a sad story about her life. She had a husband and a daughter about my age and one day her daughter want icecream so the husband and daughter went to go get it but on their way there the was hit by a drunk driver. After that day granny was my bestfriend and taught me everything I know but when I turned ten and went to granny's house to celebrate I found her "passed out" holding on a birthday present and a note for me.

Well enough of those happy and sad memories I should help the old lady in front of me.

"Hey ma'am do you need help with those groceries you got there." I said to the little old lady as I offered my hands to her.

Just as she was about to agree to let me help her a car was swervin left and right on the sidewalk I push the lady and jump out of the way so that I wouldn't get hit but the car still slammed into me. Luckily the car had slowed down quite a bit and only gave me cut and bruised. The driver of the car got out and when he did I could tell why he was swerving all over the road and that is because he looks dead tired. I got up and went to check on the old lady and she was doing okay just having some problems getting up because of her worn down knees.

After that I went to the driver and asked if he was okay. When I did that I swear he most have thought I've hit my head a little to hard.

"Dude I'm fine you slow down enough so I would only get away with a couple of bruises, but I'm worried about you it looks like you haven't slept in days." I said to the man in front of me. You might be wondering how I'm not freaking out by just being hit by a car and there is a perfectly logical explanation for that. I have some pretty bad luck so things like this happen almost every day I don't know what I did in my past life to deserve all of this but it must have been pretty bad.

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