Chapter 3- Uncle, How Could You?!

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Age: 5 1/2 years old (23 years old)

Luke Thomson P.O.V

'I'm gonna do it.' I thought to myself as I looked at the tree in front of me it's about 16 ft tall and at the very top was this fruit called tamtam and they are one of the most sweetest fruit ever. I personally love sour things, but... I glanced over to my little brother and see him look at me with expecting eyes, you see Isaac(baby brother) has a bad sweet tooth and have been banned from eating any sweet for the whole week because he was eating chocolate cookies at night. It's been two days since then and when I saw Isaac this morning I noticed how depressed he looked. My mother wouldn't give me any sweet because she knew I didn't like them and would give it to him.

Being out of options I went to our backyard and saw this tree bearing tamtam fruit and I decided I'm gonna climb it. In my past live climbing up trees was a breeze, but now I'm like three feet shorter and I have underdeveloped muscles. So for my safety I spent about 2 hours collecting all the leaves in the backyard and putting them into a pile. Then I started climbing the monsters tree I have to get some fruit for my beloved younger brother it took me 30 minutes to get to the top.

When I got to the top of the tree I saw my uncle's Carriage coming over here and a whole bunch of people on horses I couldn't tell what they was wearing because of how far away they was at the moment. I decided not to worry about it because it's my loving uncle so he was probably was told to bring these people. I was able to hold two fruit on my way down I don't want to throw it to Isaac in case he got hurt and that's why I decided to carry it down. By that time my uncle was already inside the house.

"AHhhhHhh." A loud pitched scream came from the mansion causing me to slip and fall down the tree. Luckily I only got away with bruises, cuts, and splinters, no broken bones. I wanted to go check out what that scream was but Isaac was still with me. I grabbed Isaac's arm and ran towards the mansion so we can go to our hiding spot since there was no where we can hide outside but that was probably the worst decision ever. When we step through the door all the maids that was in that area was dead, there was so much blood and body parts is everywhere I quickly closed Isaac eyes so he didn't have to look at the scene.

My motherly Instinct kicked in and gave me super baby strength I picked up my brother put his head in my shoulder so he couldn't see. There was one thing I noticed about all the dead Maids and that is their mana core is gone. Running as fast as I can with my little brother in my arms too our hiding spot ignoring the body's on my way when I got there I moved the pictures frame put my brother in first and then got it after him. I put my hand over his mouth and ears so he couldn't hear or speak and get us discovered. I could hear loud footsteps, screams, laughter, and people choking on their own blood in the mist of this I can hear my parents and Uncle talking.

"How could you betray us we are family and all for what. It's just some stupid box." I could here my mother say in a voice laced with anger and betrayal.

"Haha just a stupid box do you know what that box holds I can change this world." Uncle said. Box what box? I don't understand what they're saying.

"You will never it get, even if we die that box is long gone and if you ever find it the symbols would already be gone so it would look like just an ordinary box." My father said. Symbols? Could he be talking about the box he gave me for my fifth birthday. I always have the box on me because he gave me a ring and the ring stores the box.

It was not long after I could here my father start screaming telling him to stop. I didn't know why he was yelling stop and mother not do anything so I peeked through a crack and what I saw horrified me. It was my mother tied up naked and gagged as quickly as I could I moved away from there. I was so angry, afraid, and felt betrayed I just wanted to run out and beat him up, but i know that i can't because then Isaac would be discovered and I didn't want that to happen. A couple of hours later everything was quiet not a sound was heard there was no screams, no laughter, no footsteps they turn the whole mansion upside down looking for us but was not successful.

I got out of the hiding spot and was met with a horrible sight my father tied up and had his insides cut out missing his mana core my mother tied up without clothes Cuts all over her body and her mana core was missing. I look back at my brother and told him to stay there until I knock 3 times. I gathered all the covers that I could and throw them over the dead bodies and went back to get Isaac.

"Isaac I need you to stay behind me and only look at my back okay." I told he as I grabbed his hand. On my way to go to his room a hand grab me. And to my devastation it was Uncle he was waiting for us to get out of our hiding spot. Some of the men that he brought with him was still there and I finally saw where those men belong to and that is the slave market because each member has a tattoo representing it.

I look back at Isaac and noticed that he is shaking in fear being big brother I was I decided to Shield him with my body already knowing the outcome of what's about to happen cause I already concluded that he sold us to become slaves, and was going to beat us for knowing what happened.

At that moment my illness kicked in the pain that was coursing through my body was enough for me to wish for death because not only was I getting beat, but it felt like I let's getting torn apart from the inside. My poor baby brother boys looking at me with tears in his eyes as I shielded him with my own body even though I was in all that pain I still forced a smile on my face so he would know I'm okay.

One of the men kicked me so hard I went flying at that point I had a fractured wrist, three broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder, sprained ankle and multiple cuts and bruises. I was at the point where I could hardly move anymore I just wanted to lay there and wait for the pain disappear, but I couldn't I have to protect Isaac so I toughed it out and crawled my way towards him. I noticed when I wasn't with him that they started to beat him and in that moment I snapped.

Not being able to do much with a broken body that I have now so I resorted to my last option I bit them hard enough to draw blood it wasn't long after until I started to slowly lose my consciousness because the beating got more prominent after I snapped. Before I passed out I noticed that my uncle wasn't there anymore.


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