Chapter 2- I Turn Into A Boy

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Age: 2 days old (18 years old)

Leah Turner/Luke Thomson P.O.V

Pain. Blazing hot pain was the first thing I felt it was of if my whole body was being torn apart from the I couldn't even open my eyes, but thankfully it didn't last long all that was left was numbness all over my body. When the pain subsided I open my eyes and when I did everything is blurry and without color so it was hard to make out anything.

I tried to move my body  with my own movement but there was no success, I had no control over what I assume is a baby body. I could see blurry moments in front of me I can't really tell if it is a man or a woman but who ever it was they were trying to pick me up. It was embarrassing in a sort of comforting way I know I'm a 18 year old in a kids body, but even in my old life I don't remember ever being held like this.

"Handso-... bab-... love-... boy." A husky voice said. I could only hear bits and pieces of what the man said, but I clearly heard boy... hehe maybe this is my mother and her throat is just sore and she's talking to my father... yeah that has to be it because there is no way that I'm a guy because the last time I checked I had girly parts down below.

"... Baby boy....." The husky voice said again... haha... nooo I guess I have to accept the fact that my gender has changed and obviously the person holding is probably my father, but there is one thing I don't get isn't babies supposed to be sensitive to sound why is it so hard to hear him. I understand the whole eyesight being bad but what about the hearing. It wasn't long after till I started to fall asleep.

>Five Years Later<

Age: 5 years old (23 years old)

It's been five years since I can to this world and a lot of things have happened so I'll tell you the most important things first and that is two years ago I got the most cute, amazing, adorable baby brother(not my real brother mother had a miscarriage and adopted him as soon as he was born from one of the maids working at our house) his name is Isaac and speaking about name mine is now Luke Thomson.

The second important thing is that there is magic and as you can imagine magic is cool but hard to learn and we found out that I have healing magic.

Third important thing is that I'm dying. The fourth important thing is I'm colorblind.

The last important thing is the last two wishes and what the Gods picked was the best wishes ever one is this room like storage thing in my mind where I can go can read, make thing, watch tv, ect. And I can take things out of it but only things from this world. The other thing was a bracelet I don't know what it's really for but it pretty it has a golden chain with a tree in a circle in the middle of it.

I probably shouldn't just skim over the fact I'm dying and colorblind. Being colorblind isn't as bad as dying but I do miss seeing in color. I have an illness and no one knows what it is and with this illness the older I get the more prominent that it gets. I am currently 5 years old and everyday at least once I have cruciating pain throughout my whole body for about ten minutes and followed by that is a nosebleed. When I was still a baby the pain would only come about once a week and I didn't have a nose bleeds.

One day my parents saw the aftermath of the excruciating pain I was in and took me to see a doctor. When I went there the doctor told me that I probably will only live to my mid-twenties and that there wasn't a cure. Instead I'm telling my parents I begged the doctor to not say a word about this to them (I even had to use the puppy dog eyes). I was lucky that the doctor didn't care that much and just sent me on my way.

Enough of all that death talk let's move on to the new world I live in. The world I live in is called Anastasia and there in several different races the different races are and as you can imagine the races all hate each other.

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