Chapter 13 (pt1)

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Chapter 13: (pt1) Miracles

    Ty followed me into the kitchen, "So what are you planing to make? Hunter should be home soon, too, you know." Ty smiled as he sauntered around me playfully bumping his arm or chest against me once in awhile. I shoved him away teasingly.

    "If you continue to distract me I'm going to kick you out of the kitchen." I giggled because he seemed more like a puppy then a lion at the moment.

    He smirked down at me. I was only 5' to his 6'2". "I'm only playing." He whispered. Did I hear more then just a joke in his voice, or was it my imagination. My mind just wanting me to know that I wasn't completely unwantable. I laughed at that. That's all I was to Tony: The Unwanted Mate. When I laughed it must have sounded... broken, because Ty's expression changed so swiftly.

    He backed away as if I'd threatened him. "I should go..." He struggled for an excuse and I couldn't bare to see amother male walk away from me when I wanted them most. So I did the only thing a broken hearted girl could do. I turned my back to him and searched the fridge. Faking a smile could be so damn difficult sometimes.

    I was just down-right pathetic. Sad really.


    "I'll see you later then. You should get back to your friends. You don't want to be a bad host." There, I'd given him his excuse. Now he could leave so I could make another dinner I wouldn't have the appetite to eat, and if I did eat it, I knew it wouldn't stay in my stomach for long. Crying always made me sick. I heard Ty, sigh but my body could feel when he left the room. And I sighed, but for some reason, I felt more alone then I had before. God, I was pathetic. I didn't want to be alone, but I didn't want to be with anyone either...

    I made Taco Salad, quick and easy. I also ignored the roll of my stomach the whole time. Just keep swallowing, I chanted silently. Even though I hadn't eaten anything all day, I didn't want to dry heave. That was almost as bad as puking.

    I left the food on the table and went through the hall up to my room, so I wouldn't bother the males. Once in my room, I started my homework. Bio was not my strong suit- no Science was. But at least it would give me something to concentrate on.


    After I'd left her in the kitchen I sat back down in the spot we'd-not so long ago- been cuddling together in. I got a sympathetic look from Stanton, my best friend, he could no doubt smell the rejection I'd just been submitted to. I focused my eyes on the movie, but I couldn't focus my mind there, not when I could smell Nikki's... sadness from the kitchen.

    I sighed and looked to where Pride leader was sitting, I could feel his stare on me since i'd walked in the room. But when I looked up, there was no scorn, only understanding. I knew he'd had a similar problem in his youth. With Nikole's mother no less. I may not have been his son, by blood, but he never forgot to remind me that I was his son, by heart. I pushed my fingers through my hair and he patted my shoulder, only then did I realized that the movie was over.

    "Well, I'm starving lets go see what was made and we can decise if we'd rather call for pizza, huh?" My friends rough-housed it into the kitchen, Stanton hung back  with me.

    "So, what happened? She started thinking about him again?"

    "If I ever meet that guy I swear I'll kill him for hurting her so badly." I growled furiously. "I can smell him on her- still."

    "You wouldn't kill him, Ty."

    "One reason why I wouldn't." I demanded.

    "Because you know that by hurting him you'd be hurting her." Stanton sighed. "What happened? What initiated her feelings? Let's look at this from scientific point of view."

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