The most interesting things guys do

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Ring ring

(Lol ring ring best alarm clock everrrrr)

I hear my alarm go off and roll over on my side not wanting to get up to turn it off.

Suddenly my door opened and I see Rhys
"Hey Rhys, what do you need" I say not even looking at him

"Do you have that girl spell book?" He asked

"Uh the magazine?" I asked

For the past few days I've seen him reading it, I guess he's reading a lot more now seeing as he got his glasses.

I reach my hand under my bed not wanting to get up at all I finally find it and hand it off to him

"Hey before you go, give me my phone it's right there on the dresser?"

"A P H O N E?"

"Err sorry my magic slab, the thing making the ringing noise" I say laying my head on my pillow.

"Here you go" he says leaving my room

HAHA I get to sleep more ah the life of being a no body in my own apartment!

I slept for about a good 10 minutes before I heard the lovely screams of the Daemos,
"You have no right to exist!" Rhys yelled

I run into the living room and see something I never expected to see before Rhys being mad.

"You're not the first person to tell me that!"
I make my way over to Ava and ask what's going on

"Leif broke Rhys glasses, so now he's pissed it's the first time I've ever seen him mad" Ava explains

"Well what are we supposed to do?"

"I don't know he said Mrs Oats gave him the glasses"

"Okay you watch them I'll be right back" I say running out of the apartment.

I run down to Mrs oats apartment and knock on her door, slowly she opens it

"Oh Y/n are you and Ava feeling better?" She asked

"Ah yes but I've got a question Rhys told me you lent him a pair of your old glasses by any chance do you have another pair we can borrow. I'll pay you!" I say in a rush before Rhys kills Leif.

"Well of course I do" she walked away then came back with another pair "here you go dear, now take care" she waved and closed the door I ran back upstairs.

"Next time I won't miss.." Rhys said as I walked in

"Hey! What do you expect me to do? I don't have any more glAss for you!"

"I'm sick of you, for too long you've been disobedient! Despite your past you've learnt nothing!"

"It isn't my job to learn it's my job to kill!" Leif said

"And you haven't done that have you?"


"You'll be welcomed once I destroy you!"

"Bring it!"

Okay I've had enough of this


"Oh shi- Y/n's mad" Ava says

"Shut up Ava!" I yell

"Move out of the way he broke my-" I cut him off by walking up to him and showing him the new glasses

"Gosh, I went to Mrs Oats and asked if she had an extra pair of glasses she did so you don't have to panic! Besides I'll probably go out and buy another pair just in case" I say giving him the glasses

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