Chapter 29: News

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Xue Yiqi's sudden violence left the rest stunned, and his explanation only served to make them more confused.

"Yiqi, what's wrong?" Jiang Moyin knew that Xue Yiqi was a very straightforward and impatient person, but had not expected things to turn out like that.

"All I did was crack a joke. Do you have to vent your anger at someone else like that?" Qi Jianqiu was extremely upset by his actions and glared at him.

Feng Luodi steadied herself. Clutching her stomach in pain, she walked to Xue Yiqi, and looked him straight in the eye.

"Master Xue, now that you have already voiced your opinion, how about you listen to what I have to say? If you agree with me, I'll need a favour from you." Ignoring Xue Yiqi, who opened his mouth to protest, Feng Luodi continued.

"Just as I had said to the servant earlier, he told us the truth not with the intention of betraying his master, but to uphold the justice in his heart and to protect the judicial laws of this kingdom. While he initially was an accomplice for withholding information of the crime, he has redeemed himself by helping extract the confession from Wang Ji.This has been approved by the Administrator of Chang'an himself."

She continued. "We came into this world, unable to control our birth and status. However, he is a learned man, and if he threw aside his learning and morals just to serve his master, he has failed. He would have failed his kingdom, his education, and most importantly, his mother."

Feng Luodi kept her gaze steady, but her voice wavered when she spoke the last two words. She clasped her hands behind her back, trying to keep them from shaking.

"Master Xue, if you agree with what I have said, could you please request for Master Wang to give me this servant's contract of employment?* It was due to my actions that he will not be able to work in this household anymore, and it is my responsibility to take care of him. Regardless, I have to thank you for your help today in the investigation, Master Xue."

Xue Yiqi was silent, but Qi Jianqiu felt it was unfair for Feng Luodi, who had done nothing wrong and shouldn't have had to debase herself. However, not wanting to interfere with Feng Luodi's affairs, she merely shot Xue Yiqi a venomous glare.

Jiang Moyin kept quiet. Like Feng Luodi said, it is her responsibility to take care of this, and she wouldn't like it if I stepped in. Although what she said was true, our society is too conservative for such a radical mindset to be commonplace. He slowly recalled what Feng Luodi had said. If the world functioned in her image it would be an utopian society.

It was a long while before Xue Yiqi answered. "It is but a mere contract for a servant. You have my promise." He paused. "You don't have to be like this."

"My deepest thanks, Master Xue." Feng Luodi bowed deeply to Xue Yiqi, and the servant quickly bowed his thanks as well. Xue Yiqi left the room to look for the head steward, and Feng Luodi turned to the servant.

"After this, follow me to the yamen to present your statement. It is my mistake for not considering your feelings beforehand. Whether you choose to work with me, or to tear up the contract, the decision is left in your hands."

"I choose to follow you, young miss. It is my way of showing my thanks for saving me from this situation. I'll work hard to repay the kindness you've shown me today."

"It's up to you." Feng Luodi stood up and promptly left the room.

Jiang Moyin watched as she left the courtyard, a smile playing on his lips. Above them, white clouds dotted the clear spring sky, and a breeze passed through the courtyard, billowing her gown.


Feng Luodi sat alone in a teahouse, deep in thought. She had went to the yamen with the servant, Li Tengfei, that day, only to return with disappointing results. According to Wang Ji, he was at Moonglade that night to look for Linglong, bewitched by her beauty. He had snuck up to the two handmaidens to ask about Linglong's habits and schedules, but was enraged when the handmaidens had tried to blackmail him for the information. In his anger, he'd drugged the two handmaidens, and vented his anger by killing them. He had tossed his knife into the river, but his robe was found by the officers, and his bloodied tunic was also used as evidence against him.

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