Chapter 64: Assassination

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Feng Luodi shook her head. Despite knowing of the Heir's plan to get rid of the 7th Prince once and for all using this opportunity, she could not agree with his methods. Situ saw the look of disapproval on her face and patted her lightly on the shoulder.

"Go and take an afternoon nap. It'll all be over by the time you wake up."

Feng Luodi bit her lip, unsure of what to say. She looked long and hard at Situ. "Be careful." I'm not worried about how he'll fare against the sishi of the 7th Prince, but of the schemes of those trying to involve him in their tussle for the throne.

"Relax, I'll be fine." Situ quickly put on a set of light armour and headed for the area where the Imperial Army was stationed. He exchanged a few words with the Chief, and turned to lead a troop of soldiers into the woods. Feng Luodi stood still, as if her feet were rooted to the floor. Only when Situ's figure disappear from sight did she turn back to the crowd.

She look around, taking in the faces of all who she saw. The confidence and excitement on the faces of the princes, the different expressions of the officials of the court, and Jiang Moyin who was speaking urgently to the Heir. Elder brother looks...strange and different. It's like I don't even recognise him right now. Feng Luodi shook the thought from her head and returned to her tent.


The afternoon session began, and the princes led their attendants into the woods. The 7th Prince spoke up first. "Brothers, I already have my eyes set on my trophy, and I will take my leave." He turned and disappeared into the forest, his two attendants close behind him.

The 8th Prince looked around. "I shall head off in this direction, then. Best of luck to you guys too!"

The other princes all scattered in various directions, while the Heir slowly spurred his horse forward. A member of his Covert Guard appeared in front of him.

"Your Highness, a group of roughly 50 men are heading in this direction."

"Finally." The Heir smiled, and glanced around the area. He pointed in the direction where Situ had headed off with the Imperial Army. "Gather all of our men there. Make sure everyone stays alert."

"Yes, your Highness."

The Heir assessed the area again. It was quiet, and there were no traces of any animal activity in the vicinity. "Good. A quiet place." He nodded, satisfied with what he saw. However, the two attendants trailing behind him looked uneasy, their horses snorting and pawing the ground.

Just as the attendants were about to voice their concern, a group of men dashed out from the woods ahead of them. They were clad in black clothes, a gleaming sword brandished in each of their hands and a mask on their faces obscured their identities. The two attendants frantically tried to defend the Heir, but were quickly dispatched of by the masked men. Right before the assailant delivered the finishing blow on the Heir , twenty other men dashed out from the woods and engaged the masked men in a bloodbath. Without a doubt, the new arrivals who had black sashes wrapped around their faces to protect their identity, were the Covert Guard of the Heir.

The battle was bloody and ruthless, but the Guards protected the Heir from the swords of the assailants, forming a tight circle around his horse. A sounding arrow[1.An arrow that can be thrown into the air by hand, creating a loud whistling sound, mostly used as for signalling purposes.] was released by one of the Guards, and a loud wail could be heard in the campsite outside the woods. Naturally, the Emperor was alerted as well.

"Chief Fang, what is going on in the woods? My princes are all in there!"

"Your Majesty, I will check it out immediately. The Duke of Anping is patrolling the woods at the moment, and I believe that he's on his way as we speak."

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