Why Does Everyone Want to Kill Me?

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After hours of tossing and turning I finally managed to fall asleep. In my dreams, I was in an abandoned factory.

It looked like it had been burned down a long time ago, still, ashes covered the floor. The machines all looked like they hadn't been running in ages. I didn't like the feel of the place.

At the far left, I saw a figure and I drew my sword. I slowly walked towards it- him. I knew the person I was walking towards. I started running.

When he turned around, I recognized him immediately, but held up my sword none the less.

In return, my brother raised Riptide and looked sad. He didn't want to fight me, but he had to.

Percy? I tried asking but my voice didn't seem to work. Suddenly he melted into the shadows and in his place stood another familiar face.

The kid who was once my best friend stood before me. His hair stuck out in odd places and he looked lost. Although he was much older now, his face hadn't changed.

I tried calling out his name, but my memory was lost. It was on the tip of my tongue, but I couldn't manage to find it.

He seemed to realize he wasn't alone and looked me dead in the eye. He smiled, but instead of a friendly gesture, he stretched his arm out. A blast like the one Circe shot at me, now shot from his hand. Before it hit me, I woke and heard screaming.

The screaming wasn't coming from me. It was coming from Percy who was on the hammock next to mine. I rushed over to him and put my hands on his shoulders, shaking him to wake up.

He grabbed my arms and gripped them tightly to the point where I felt pain. His eyes shot open and he didn't let go. He looked at me, processing what was happening.

"You were having a nightmare," I said.

He nodded but didn't let go of me. I helped him out of the hammock as Annabeth came downstairs.

Percy slowly loosened his grip on me and rubbed his eyes.

"What's up?" I asked Annabeth.

"Land," she responded. "We're approaching the island of the Sirens."

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