Chapter Fifteen: "It Waits For You"

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Sean enjoyed his time out with Momiplier. They walked the park and ate pretzels from the food venders. She regaled to him stories about Mark in his younger days and some of the struggles she faced as a military spouse. Resting on a park bench, Momiplier pet Chica as she told him sweetly. "You wanna talk about your nightmare? Sometimes it helps to get it out. Helps the brain analysis it." Sean huffed softly. He was afraid to tell her anything. He didn't want her to get hurt. While another part of him was still trying to figure out if Logan was really just a strong hallucination. Dragging his teeth across his bottom lip, he carefully told her. "Well... It was about aliens. Stupid, huh?" Momiplier turned on the bench, propping her head up with her hand. He couldn't look at her directly, but her warm voice calmed him when she said. "It's not stupid. Strange things happen all the time. I once had a nightmare that a group of man-eating sharks attacked my husband's ship. Space and aliens have gone hand in hand in movies from the beginning. And with how real the movies make them lately... I don't blame you."

Sean smirked a little. She was too good at making him feel better. She put a hand on his leg, adding in with a smile of her own. "It doesn't help that you are far from home. Everything feels foreign and you feel alone without him. It gets easier with time. But you can't just sit around and dwell on him. You have to do things. You were looking into computers, weren't you?" Sean nodded, then slumped down on the bench, mumbling out. "I was... but... I just don't know. I'm at a point in my life where I just... I don't know what I can get into. And I'm afraid of getting into something that I'll lose my passion for. I've been doing YouTube for so long... I don't know what else I can do." Momiplier moved her hand off his leg to pat his shoulder, saying sweetly. "Well... You have the clothing brand that you and Mark started. That's something." Sean nodded but his heart wasn't in it. He only did that to make comfortable gaming clothes. It wasn't a true passion of his. He just kind of let Mark take on most of the heavy lifting with that.

Her thumb rubbed his shoulder, her eyes drifting to look out across the park. After a minute, she told him curiously. "Life is all about taking a risk and trying new things. If you want to try something. Do it. If you don't like it... stop and pursue the next thing. Eventually, you'll find that one thing that you'll never want to let go of." Sean looked at her, curiously asking gently. "And what did you settle on?" She grinned brightly, answering without a hint of doubt. "I didn't settle on anything. I wanted to be a mom. I found a good man and I got what I wanted. I have two beautiful sons. Through all the pain and struggle of raising them... I'd never trade it for the world. Even if they never change world. I'm happy seeing the men they have become." She leaned closer to his shoulder, innocently projecting. "I'm proud that you make each other happy. But... I wouldn't mind some grandkids in the future. So, maybe you'll adopt?"

Sean blushed, turning to look away from her as she purred into his ear. "Now I'd be happy with any kid you picked... but I would so love to spoil a little girl. After raising boys... I would just love to finally do some girl bonding. You know what I mean?" Sean shuffled his feet, mumbling out through a shy smile. "I... I'm sure Mark and I will discuss it at some point. But no promises..." She chuckled over his shoulder, trying to sweeten it by saying casually. "I think you both would be the sweetest daddies to a little girl. Don't you think?" Sean giggled a little, slipping in. "Oh sure... Until she becomes a teen and guys hit on her. Mark would loss his shite." She laughed, her eyes going distant as she softly regaled. "True. But that's what dads do." Sean let the idea sink in. Would Mark and him have kids? They'd never really talked about it. He was scared to be a father, but he wasn't against the idea. Momiplier jarred him from his thoughts, upon telling him. "Well, we should head back. I need to get dinner prepared and you've got some thinking to do."

Sean rolled his eyes but got up. While driving back, Sean let his mind wonder. Stroking the planet bracelet around his wrist, he looked up at the darkening sky and wondered if Mark was thinking about him. The second the car pulled up in the driveway though, all Sean's stresses came flooding back. Was Logan still in the house? Was he waiting for him? Momiplier got out first, prompting Sean to dash out and up to the door before her. Opening the door, he slipped inside first. Creeping into the house, he listened and looked for anything that might be out of the ordinary. He even looked at the walls to see if the patterns were off. Momiplier walked in behind him, casually chuckling out as she let Chica off her leash. "Well, that was fun. We should do it again sometime. Maybe next time you can take me to a movie. You can explain all the weird stuff your generation is into." Sean smiled at her, answering sweetly. "Sure." While Momiplier set to work humming and preparing things in the kitchen, Sean discreetly searched around. He touched things as he moved around. Going room by room. He found nothing. Until he got to his bedroom.

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