Chapter Thirty-Two: "The Good Part"

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Sean giggled, draping his arms over the sides of Mark's shoulders to give him room to move. Mark's lips returned to his neck, making Sean inhale slowly as he savored it. It was strange how just feeling his warm lips against his skin gave him goosebumps. Sliding a hand along Mark's bicep, Sean smiled to himself. The stripe of blue scales down his arm was addictive to touch. The scales were smoother and softer than skin. Flawless. No matter what way he rubbed them, they stayed flat with the rest of his skin, but the transition from scales to human flesh was fascinating. The scales held a warmth that Mark's human skin didn't. Lifting his head a bit, he kissed the scaly stripe curled over Mark's shoulder. Mark's lips pried off his neck, his breath hitching a bit as his body tensed. Kissing the spot again more gently, Sean whispered curiously near his ear. "Does it hurt when I touch them?" Mark shook his head, answering over his shoulder in a nervous voice. "No. I'm just not used to it. It... It tickles a bit."

Sean ran the back of his fingers down the stripe along Mark's arm, whispering against his warm and lightly horned ear. "Am I giving you goosebumps?" Sean could just see Mark's smile over his shoulder before he said in a deep loving voice. "Always." Sean bit his lip, loving the way Mark nuzzled against his neck with a throaty purr. Adjusting his hand to go under Mark's arm, he began to stroke the good side of Mark's ribcage. Tracing the three stripes that hugged his ribcage, Sean adjusted his legs wider to let Mark bring his hips closer to his. He didn't feel like Mark's body was all that different, but his own body was being unusually cautious. Mark slowly shifted his hips closer as Sean's leg moved. When their privates touched, Sean arched a bit and slipped his toes under one of the belts across the bed. Mark kissed his neck more lovingly to calm him. Sean tried to enjoy it, but his heart was racing now and causing him to pant harder. He wasn't mentally scared of Mark... but his body clearly wasn't on the same page at the moment.

Under his ear, Mark whispered to him in a deep voice. "Say the word and I'll change back..." Sean closed his eyes, shaking his head as he told him firmly. "No. I'm good. I don't know why I'm... Just give me a minute." Mark raised his head to finally look him in the eyes, upon informing him seriously. "What you feel is primal instinct. I may only be a hybrid... but your body knows what I am. How dangerous I am. It's why humans fear the unknown... because of predators like me." Sean cleared his throat to hide his deep inhale to force his heart to slow down. Then cupping Mark's jaw, he told him just as seriously. "Every species is scared of something. I don't care what you are. Maybe I am a little scared of you... I don't know a lot about lizards. And Logan did traumatize me... But I got used to him and I'll get used to you. Just give me time to... learn what's new about you." Sean put his hands back on Mark's shoulders, exhaling softly as his eyes looked over Mark's muscular chest.

Mark glanced down at his own chest, then mumbled out with a blush of his own. "That part hasn't changed." Sean blinked, collecting his thoughts enough to ask curiously. "What? I know your chest hasn't, but the stripes-" Mark cleared his throat to stop him gently, before interjecting. "Not that. Lower... It hasn't changed." Sean raised an eyebrow as he thought it over. The second he got it, Sean snorted and began to chuckle as he said. "Oh!" Blushing a deep red, Sean turned his head away to nervously utter out. "Well, that is a relief. I mean... I didn't want to ask and sound rude... but I was curious. I was worried that I'd be-" Mark stopped his rambling by capturing his lips with his. Losing himself in the slow passionate kiss, Sean moaned softly as his heart slowed down. Only to jerk with a sharp surprised squeal into the kiss when he felt Mark's cock twitch and harden against his. Without breaking the kiss, Mark carefully removed a hand off the bar over Sean's head to take his wrist.

Sean focused on Mark's deep needy kiss, letting Mark guide one of his hands down between their warm bodies. The moment Sean's fingers felt the familiar smooth skin and girthy warmth of Mark's cock, Mark broke the kiss to gasp lightly. Curling his fingers around it, Sean listened to Mark pant out breathlessly. "See...? Nothing new." Sean moved his free hand up the back of Mark's neck, letting his fingers move up into his hair. Pulling Mark back down into a brief kiss, Sean whispered over Mark's lips. "In that case..." Sean shifted his legs farther apart to trap Mark's hips between his thighs. Mark let out a throaty moan, grabbing the bar over their heads with both hands again. Sean let go of Mark's cock, putting his hands on Mark's hips to steady him. Lifting his legs, Sean draped his ankles over the backs of Mark's knees and nudged the backs of his thighs with his heels. The bar squealed softly as Mark gripped it tighter and strained out to him. "Careful, baby... I'm not holding back like usual."

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