chapter six

557 31 122

Doncaster, England📍


My eyes burst open at the sound of laughing. My hand clenches around the fabric of something soft, my fingertips brushing on warm skin. "Morning, Harry." I heard three cheerful voices say: Liam, Zayn, and Niall.

I sat up and moved my gaze down to Louis who was smiling warmly at me, his hand dropping from my hair. I was flabbergasted. Was I asleep? I faced the others who all looked pretty awake.

My eyes flew to my alarm clock to read the time as 1:34 p.m. I slept for eight hours?! EIGHT HOURS?!

"You slept for a while, thought you died." Zayn chuckled.

"Normally sleep that late?" Liam asked making me inanimate.

I looked over at Louis who was now sitting up and brushing his hair back. "Have a good nights sleep?" He asked quietly, voice rough making my heart rapid. His fingers stretched up and cupped my cheek, his thumb smoothing over the lessly bag under my eye.

I blinked in shock and nodded slowly. He sent me a warm smile then removed his hand and slid out of bed. He started talking with the other guys while I just sat there.

I slept for the first time more than two hours. . in four years.

"I'm hungry, Harry! Your pretty sister said she is making breakfast!" Niall whined catching my attention as I faced them again.

I nodded and slid out of bed. "You- uh, guys can go down. I'll be a minute, to. . wake- up. ." My head tilted and brows furrowed slightly at my last sentence. I couldn't grasp the information that I had slept.

They nodded and headed out, sounds of talking in their wake. When I turned back around I saw Louis had stayed. "I told you. You just needed someone to hold." He smiled. He didn't get it.

I shook my head and looked down. "I've done that before, this before, I still couldn't sleep. ." I said quietly, looking back up at him.

"Well maybe I'm your anchor." He shrugged and rubbed my arm, getting up and walking out after. Why him? Why can I fall asleep with him?

I brushed my teeth quickly before running downstairs and into the kitchen. Liam and Zayn were talking about something while eating eggs, Niall was also eating but having a conversation with my sister, and Louis was eating while scrolling on his phone.

"We have practise at 3, we should probably head out soon," Louis said to Niall who nodded. "Wanna come watch?" Louis looked at me, slowly biting off the eggs on his fork, my eyes followed slowly.

"Maybe." I nodded and stalked over to Gemma.

"Morning, how'd you. . sleep?" She gave me a smile.

I nodded. "Good." I kissed her cheek, grabbing an apple.

"Good?" She raised a brow.

Louis looked up to watch us. "Slept eight hours," he budged in and sent her a smile, digging back in his food.

She looked at me with wide eyes. "Are the pills working?!" She whispered.

I shrugged. "I think it was him." I gestured my head over to Louis making her brows crease, glancing at him then back at me.

"Him?" She tilted her head.

"Yeah. He's the reason I slept. I don't know why." I shook my head with my brows creased, confused.

"What? You guys fell asleep over each other or somethin'?" I nodded and now we were both staring at him.

When he looked back up we hurried and looked back at each other. "No way! It was mums-fathers-girlfriends-daughters-friends-dog," Gemma rambled.

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