chapter thirty-one

348 19 56

Doncaster, England📍


Jay had called me earlier apologising about what had happened and told me she went to see Louis. As much as I wanted to hear about Louis, I was angry that I cared about him the whole day and went through all of that yet he still hadn't texted me.

So I said "It's okay" and hung up, because I can be very petty sometimes.

I talked to Niall and Liam a few times since they were worried, constantly telling them that it's fine. My mum told my friends what had happened and that's how Jay found out too, apparently the two had become friends.

My phone rang from beside me, a groan leaving my lips since I seriously didn't want to hear another pity word come out of someone's mouth.

However, I still picked it up and checked it. My body sat itself up pretty rapidly once I saw it was Louis, and like any normal person. . they would answer.

I didn't though. I declined.

Jay would've told me if something bad happened, so I'm going to be taking time to myself.

Setting back down the phone, with anxiety rushing through my body, I sat back and continued to glare at my telly which was playing Friends.


"Harry! I've miss you!" Niall attacked me in a hug once I walked into the cafeteria. I couldn't help but smile and hug around his waist securely before pulling back.

"Missed you too." He smiled at me then grabbed my face and kissed all over it.

I laughed while trying to pull back and push him away. "Okay, okay." He stepped back, my gaze shifting back on his pretty little face.

"Look! I got my metals off!" He smiled brightly.

I lifted my brows. "They're very nice."

He nodded. "Love them, new chompers for more food." I chuckled at him and pet his head. Of course his first thought is food.

We walked over to the table and that's when my eyes caught Louis talking with Liam and Zayn. They seemed to be laughing about something but I could read Louis, and Louis seemed tense.

I guess now would be as good of a time as any to say something to him. I took in a big breath, letting it out, then made my move.

"Hey," I was able to produce causing the three lads to look at me.

"Oh my God, Harry! Are you okay? I'm so sorry that happened," Zayn spoke up. I should've just stayed quiet. I gave him a nod and a smile, looked at Liam who smiled, and then I looked down at Louis.

"Can we talk?" I didn't expect those words to come out of my mouth but they did, and it was horrible because Louis was now frowning. He nodded nonetheless and stood out of his seat, following me to the restrooms.

When we got inside, making sure there were no other people, I faced him.

He was hugging around his arms, head a little low. Definitely expecting the worse. The boy was like an open book, you could just see what he was thinking through his expression.

"How's it going at your dads?" I stepped closer to him, he looked up at me and sort of just stared. He could feel the tension between us.

"Why didn't you answer my call?" He changed the subject. I became upset at the question.

"Well, Louis. You told me you would text me every day since you got there, and I heard zero from you which really made me worry so much that I had to go to your fucking mum. And not even that, she didn't even know how you were doing, and then I got fucking robbed." My arms were now very much crossed and I couldn't help but narrow my brows at him.

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