chapter eighteen

515 25 167

1875 London, England📍


"Oh Lewis, reach my coat for me will you." Johannah snapped at her son who narrowed his eyes and grabbed the antique cardigan off the coat rack. She sent him a pleased smile and put it on.

Louis hated fancy greetings, especially the ones where he was in fall-front breeches, a white Marcus Regency shirt tucked into his trousers, black cutaway jacket, and a stupid cravat around his neck. His hair was brushed back neatly and his scent was masculine. Almost looking like a vampire.

His posture had to be pristine and his attitude had to be strenuous. It was the most utter embarrassing thing he's ever had to do.

The bright side of it all was that he got to see him, the guy that cooked the meals. The indigent, handsome man with the curls that was horribly bossed around by upper-class. It almost made Louis hate being rich.

"Lewis, are you going to put on your tie?" Charlotte wondered from beside him. The women were all dappered up in huge, flocculent dresses, petticoats underneath, and tiny burettes on their heads.

"No, not really," he whispered beside her and she just shrugged. When looking back at their mum, she gave them a smile after the hairstylists backed up and they were walking out the door. The horse and carriage were awaiting their arrival outside.

The butlers opened the doors for them, holding their mums hand to get her in first. Louis had to hold Charlotte's lightly to help her in, and then he was topping off the butler before getting in himself.

The door was then shut and they could hear the clicking of the horses before they started moving. Johannah was fanning herself with her abanico gently while Charlotte stared straight ahead.

Louis hated how he only lived with his mum and one sister, the twins and Félicité living with his dad. The only pride he had going for him was his hidden queerness and the boy he destined to see.

When they finally arrived, they got out of the carriage and people were outside waiting for them. They cheered for them as the Tomlinson's ignored the crowd and kept their heads held high until they made it into the mansion.

"Ms. Tomlinson." Johannah crossed her legs and held her dress up lightly as she bowed at the men awaiting. They took her coat and she was walking into the dining area for the luncheon.

Louis looked over at Charlotte as they both got their coats taken and walked into the dining area as well. "So pleased to have you all here on this fine evening," the old guy at the head of the table said.

Johannah nodded and took a seat next to the daughter while Charlotte and Louis sat next to each other, across from them. The wife sat at the other end of the table.

"Lewis." He looked over at him. "This is my daughter Eleanor, I'm sure you two would get along swell." Louis and Eleanor looked at each other and she smiled politely, Louis did the same.

"Eh." Louis spoke making everyone around the table shocked.

"Lewis! Have manners." Johannah glared at her son who only rolled his eyes. He heard his mum apologising in the background as he zoned out, staring at the kitchen area.

He was in there, preparing their meal. Finally the door moved open and three men walked out, one being the fine curly-headed lad that Louis admired. He looked so good in a suit.

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