Dating Ranpo Would Include

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You gaining weight, probably.

- foooooooddd - He did that tik tok for you

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- foooooooddd
- He did that tik tok for you. The one with the audio that's like "and I'll never leave you because, well, I need the food."
- and he didn't lie even for a second
- every time you come into work with food he appears in front of you

- When you first started dating, you would buy him lots of snacks so that he would be happy all the time
- he picked up on that one fast and started giving you some praise and petting your head all the time to show you his appreciation
- a king, really

- one time he let you sit on his lap and forgot about his snacks
- Ya'll stare into each others eyes~~~
- and his eyes are GORGEOUS

- Doesn't even flinch when you have no work to do and so decide to braid parts of his hair instead
- was straight up having a very important conversation with Kunikida and you were just brushing his hair.
- "Ranpo-san..."
- "It soothes her."
- "But-"
- "It soothes me too. Now, carry on."

- Somehow can replicate any emoji
- Even these ones::: ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
- always makes you smile/laugh

- Eventually you started giving him lots of praise too when you realized how much he liked it.
- He did and will still get heart palpitations depending on when you praise him and how much you do it/ how much he didn't expect it

- ahh you can't watch any movie with him
- no. no movie. You can't argue with this
- Can't watch sports either?? this guy
- ALWAYS knows how things are gonna end up

- Also you can't lie
- you can't even just not tell him things
- he alwaYs knows what's up
- are you sad? He knows why
- are you happy? He knows why
- are you embarrassed? He knows why and he's gonna beat up Dazai for pranking you like that

- Gets jealous alot more than he should but it's impossible to notice
- but surprisingly only with specific people, probably because he knows how they feel about you.
- Sometimes Dazai would ask you to commit double suicide with him before you guys started dating and he would rage silently as he ate the snacks you just bought him
- Sometimes Kunikida would ask you for something and if your fingers touched Ranpo would ask you to come with him somewhere.
- Apparently you have several of Kunikida's preferred traits.
- "But... I don't have all of them, so he probably wouldn't actually-"
- "He's considered it."
- s w e a t d r o p 25/8

- Hugs
- always hugs you around the waist
- you're around the same height so
- Loves putting his head on your chest

- when you're cuddling though, he prefers to hold you
- did I mention he's kind of a child
- won't let anyone touch you
- sometimes won't even take directions from anyone but you because he trusts you the most

- basically a permanent know-it-all 18 year old
- except he drinks his respect women juice


- haHA you knOw it
- food kink
- loves honey or melted chocolate
- pours it on the both of you and well
- you get the gist

-very much likes tongue
- figured out the things you liked best pretty quickly
- was very awkward at first though oddly enough
- first couple times were test runs I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

- moans a lot
- likes it when you top him but only temporarily
- very much likes to be on top
- unless you're giving him blow jobs/hand jobs
- loves those

- likes a decent pace, not too slow or too hard
- firm strokes~
- has like no kinks but you have quiet a few and it took him a while to process that you liked things that weren't food related
- very easy going tho

- the first time you kinda freaked out for a second cause something hurt suddenly but you didn't say anything
- but he kneW
- pulled out and asked if you were okay, you guys took a five minute break and then you said you wanted to try again
- so niCe about it

- a bit of a biter
- you do have some teeth marks on your shoulders cause he bites when he orgasms but it's never like... bad hurt
- turns out he bites not just to muffle himself but also cause he was nervous for a long time what you'd think of his orgasm face

- after care is best
- always has strawberries or some shit near by
- feeding eaChoTher- AH
- falls asleep pretty quickly too

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