Chapter 4

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(Jeongguk's P.O.V)

Did Taehyung already leave?! The hell?! Where the fuck is he?! I leave for just one minute and when I come back, he's fucking gone!

Out of nowhere, I felt someone pat me on the back.

"Yo, Jeon. Looking for someone?"

I turned around and was met with Kim Taehyung himself.

Luck must be on my side. Actually, I'm not lucky at all. I'm losing my cool all because of this guy. Why did Jimin have to introduce me to his so called 'Soulmate'? I would have been better off without knowing I can't read this guy's thoughts. Now, I'm full on frustrated.

I looked at Taehyung's eyes who also happen to be looking at mine. Neither of us taking our eyes off each other's.

Nothing... Still nothing.. but why? What's going on? Am I lacking something? Does my ability only work on a specific amount of people? No, that can't be it. I've met all kinds of people in my life and I've been able to hear every single one of their thou-

"You seem to be lost in thought. Something the matter?", Taehyung interrupted my thinking.

I shook my head lightly.

Did this guy just smirk for a second there or is my mind playing with me again?

I scoffed.

"I don't look for anyone. In fact, I'm the one who people like to cling onto. Want proof? Look at yourself who just came up to me despite us not being close", I spoke.

That better shut him up.

"You're being way too cocky. It's unappealing. Aren't we partners? I honestly just came by to trade numbers. You know, for the essay?", he said.

Unappealing?! If anything, that's what girls and a few guys here find hot about me. How dare h-

"Aren't you gonna give it to me?"

"As if. I don't just give my number to whoever. Who knows what you'll end up doing with it", I said.

"You think that low of me?", he asked, looking kind of offended.

What type of fuckery is this?! I got a reaction from him and I still hear nothing.

"What are you thinking about?", he asked, giving me a sly smile.


No, stop. Calm down. I just need to get a good reaction from-

"Hey, Kook?"

"What do you want?", I asked.

"When are you going to give me your number?", he asked smiling.

How annoying.

"Give me your damn phone", I say, reaching my hand out.

He grabs his phone from inside his front pocket and hands it to me.

"Is it unlocked?", I asked, seeing how he gave it to me without putting any sort of number or pattern in the lock screen.

"I don't have a password", he says.

I opened my mouth to say something but decided to go against the idea.

I dialed my number and set my name as 'Jeongguk' with a red heart emoji next to it and gave it back to him.

This is sure to get a reaction from him. I'll definitely hear his thoughts now.

He then laughs a bit after reading the name.

"That's so cute of you", he said as he smiled lightly at the phone screen.

He's not even flustered? Isn't he attracted to males? I'm attractive and I even gave him my number and all he does is laugh?!

"But unfortunately, I'll have to change the name to something else", he said as he started to edit the name.

Change the name?!

"Here. Much better", he said as he showed me his phone which now showed 'Psychology Partner'.

Psychology Partner?! Are you fucking kidding me?!

"You know something? When I look into your eyes, I feel as if though I don't have to worry about anything", he said giggling.

I didn't know this guy would be a total weirdo...

"Oh, is that so?", I question, not really caring.

He nodded eagerly as a response.

"Uh, huh.. Anyway, will we meet up today?", I asked.

If he truly does know about what's going on, there's a chance I can get him to tell me.

"No, I'll text you when I have the time. We can meet up some time but not before I get to know you a bit better. I feel like there's something you want from me, Jeon... and personally, I'm not the type that likes to play fire with fire. I like to play water with fire instead. Well you look at that. My next class is about to start. See you around", he said, leaving the second he finished talking.

Fire with fire?! Does he think I'm hitting on him?!

Wait a damn minute. He..



(To Be Continued)

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