Chapter Two

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

The whirling thunderstorm ceased if only for a short period, giving us the chance to head out. I take this chance to examine everyone's appearance, conflicted about the emotional damage of today.

Hanamaki had somewhat gotten the school pants on, his shirt still on backwards, something I didn't have the guts to confront him about. He dragged his feet through the wood chips, digging up dirt in his wake. Matsukawa was in-tow next to him, shivering violently in his fingertips. It spread quickly up his arm, his breathing raspy and short until moments later when his nerves settled in once more.

My grip was unconsciously tightened on Oikawa's plain vest sleeve. The swings creaked as we passed by them, haunting us like wailing children would at the mall.

He forcefully scraped my hand off, instead placing it into his own. The clack of a case shutting sounds out. Peering into his pocket, I find his glasses locked away in their snap-seal container.

I still held onto the possibility of rising from my bed, hearing the alarm blare, notifying that this terrible experience was only just a nightmare. The sound of those glasses, though, however so faint, wasn't from a dream. It would never be that detailed.

Iwaizumi continues to check daily updates on his phone, scowling when the loss of signal would occur.

"What...what were you all doing at Tooru's house so early today?" I stifle a yawn, well aware that I hadn't contributed enough hours last night for sleep.

"We figured that it'd be best to get a head start on homework for the break," I observed how Matsukawa fidgeted with his pencil, something most likely stored away and forgotten in his pocket until now. His sad chuckle startled me, the deep sound that was so shallow came to be terrifying. "Waited last minute to start in the second-year for break. You wouldn't believe how troublesome a few pages of work can pile up on ya."

"Shouldn't you have been at the dorms last night, (Y/n)? Why were you home?" Toru pipes in, leaning slightly forward and turning his head to face me properly.

Out of all five of us, I was the only one who didn't go to Aoba Johsai.

"My roommate said she'd cover for me since I wanted to stray back home a day earlier and surprise my family." I nervously sighed, wondering if the situation would've been any better if I had just stayed at school. I haven't seen anyone in person for a few months, so I'm sure it was a heart-starter to find me in his house unexpectedly, having cuts bleeding down my legs.

The aftermath from all the heavy rainfall appears through the mist, clogging up our vision for anything more than five feet ahead of us. The streetlamps should've turned off by now, but the dark-coated out any signal for it to be dawn.

The time was hard to tell, the only thing clear being the digital clock on the phone. It signified that we've been mindlessly walking for a half-hour, no definition of where we were heading.

My legs cease to a stop before I could control it from happening, my ears perking to hear it again. It sounded not too far away, a child crying fiercely getting drifted along with the wind. We were in a residential area, the noise being a common thing for any household with younger minors living under their roof. This was different though, not something a usual passerby would hear.

They sounded...frightened beyond belief, confused yet feeling abandoned by someone they love all the same. I knew this because that's how I felt only earlier today when my mother had launched her hands on my throat, her nails pressing hard enough that it almost broke the skin at times.

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