One Legacy Ends, Another Begins

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After C. Margaret officially retired as Executive Director of the Curative Workshop of Racine, Lyle Zielke took over as the new Executive Director. 

Though Katie and C. Margaret were no longer working side by side every day as the dynamic duo, C. Margaret didn't just leave Curative Workshop of Racine in the dust. C. Margaret was so dedicated and devoted to the mission of the Curative Workshop of Racine that even retirement couldn't keep her away from the place she helped bring to life. For nearly a decade after her retirement, she continued to stick around and pay visits, and she also became a member of Curative Workshop's Board of Directors.

Lyle continued on with the legacy C. Margaret left behind by taking over the medical division and the vocational division at the Curative Workshop of Racine. Like C. Margaret, Lyle was also very dedicated and devoted to the Curative Workshop of Racine's mission, and C. Margaret knew that when she first hired him as a Physical Therapist. After he was hired, he quickly moved on to be the head of the Physical Therapy Department, so, as far as C. Margaret was concerned, it was clear he'd make one top-notch Executive Director once she passed the buck onto him, and she was right.

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