8 - This is the day we become rich!

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The murmur was the first thing Daniel and Manuel heard as they approached the factory. Next thing they heard was Lucio's voice, although the words were unclear. The cheering and clapping came afterwards. Daniel could only assume what it was about, but the thought that Lucio might be up to something decent never crossed his mind.

"I'm back with Heron!" Manuel shouted the moment he opened the door.

"Hey hero! Where did you wander off?" Lucio asked.

"I needed to get a breath of fresh air." Daniel's eyes chose to look at the floor rather than the faces of his friends; the image of a butterfly with broken wings still lingered.

"Hope you're done breathing cause I've got big plans for the gang." Lucio's voice was filled with pride.

"Biggest yet!" Bernard confirmed his words. Daniel instantly knew he wasn't going to like this plan.

"So," Lucio began, "you guys and me, tomorrow, in broad daylight, are robbing the house of our beloved Mayor."

Once again cheering followed Lucio's statement, but Daniel didn't join the general joyfulness. "Are you insane?" he asked, not believing his ears. "Mayor's house is just waiting for you to come and rob it," he added sarcastically.

"Actually, yes," Lucio said with a big smile on his face. His grey eyes sparkled when he added, "If you know the right people and have the right information, yes."

Another statement followed by cheering and roaring laughter.

Daniel shook his head. He hadn't said a word, but the look in his dark eyes under the lowered eyebrows made Lucio come closer to him. He patted him on the shoulder. "Cheer up, man! The plan is foolproof. Listen," he said and hugged Daniel's neck. "The Mayor is changing his alarm system. Tomorrow morning a crew is coming to disconnect the old system, so that another crew could come to install the new one. And I know people. I have connections. Heron, we have an hour to snitch anything that's worth any money."

Daniel answered with a hollow laughter. "And you're sure that you will be able to walk right into the Mayor's home? Can you be sure that no one will be home? That the house will just be waiting for you?"

"Not me, man. Us!" Lucio's face lit up when a smug smile appeared.

Daniel's eyebrows sank even lower.

"Cheer up, dude!" Lucio wouldn't let go of him yet. "I know an inside man. The guy guarantees that no one will be home. Some business trip, something like that. The whole family is going. Anyway, we go in with no problems, and once we're inside..." Lucio's free hand waved slowly in front of Daniel's face. "Picture it – television sets, stereos, VCRs... whatever you can imagine, it's there! Jewelry, man! I'm telling you, the Mayor has expensive taste!"

"Let's assume that the plan really works like you say it will, what are we gonna do with the stolen things? Do you really think that the Mayor won't organize a hunt?"

"Don't worry, man! I already have a buyer. By tomorrow night, it will all be gone, and we will be rich!"

Another wave of cheering filled the inside of the old factory, but it didn't make the plan any better in Daniel's eyes.

There was no drinking that night. Lucio wanted everyone to keep a clear head for the upcoming venture, as he explained it. Daniel wondered if any of them had a clear head, himself included, if they let someone like Lucio dictate their lives.

Another night passed in half-sleep until Lucio's shout woke up the team. "Guys, get ready! This is the day we become rich!"

His footsteps echoed when he descended the metal staircase. Used to sleeping at least until noon, many of the guys grumbled about the time of the day. Daniel looked at the clock that hung on one of the otherwise empty walls, wondering whether it too was once a part of someone else's home. The shorter hand just slightly moved from the number eight, while the longer one was approaching the number three.

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