Chapter 3

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They stopped running just as dawn was breaking. They walked down the hill together.

"Do you have any advice for me? I want to do well" Walter asked Maria.

Maria looked at him for a moment.

She replied "Just don't get killed. I have a feeling your abilities will be very useful to me. We may finally be able to end this."

Before Walter could ask what this was, she grabbed his hand and dragged him to the barn door.

"Don't say anything or do anything to provoke them. I need as many soldiers as I can get."

Walter was confused. Why did Maria need soldiers? What had she gotten him into? Before he could question her at all though, she was leading him inside. Once his eyes adjusted to the dim light, he saw several figures of varying heights emerge from the gloom. They stood in a line, at attention, waiting for her direction.

"Everyone, this is Walter, our newest recruit. You know what to do." Maria announced in a high, clear voice.

Walter looked at her. You know what to do was what she had told them. What was going to happen to him? Then, one by one, they began to step forward and state their name.

A tall blonde male vampire came first. "Greetings Walter. I am called Albert. Albert Wilson."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Albert," Walter responded, determined to remember everyone's name.

A slender dark haired female stepped forward next. She dipped her head towards him in welcome and said

"It is nice to meet you Walter. My name is Anna Miller. I am looking forward to getting to know you later." She smiled at him prettily.

Walter felt as though a blush should be creeping into his cheeks, but none came.

"How lovely to meet you, Anna," he said softly.

"It's wonderful to meet you Walter. I am Henry Davis."

"Hello, Henry" Walter replied.

Maria looked at him just as 4 more male vampires ran into the room. They skidded to a halt in front of Maria and looked at her with fear in their eyes. She turned to stare at them coldly.

"Where have you been?" She demanded to know

One vampire stepped forward.

"I am so sorry m'lady, we lost track of time whilst we were hunting." he said meekly.

Maria sighed, exasperated. She addressed Walter;

"These are our other new recruits. Names from left to right are Fred, Joseph, James, and Charles, who prefers to be called Charlie."

When their names were called, they stepped out of the scraggly line they had quickly formed and inclined their head in greeting.

"It is a pleasure to meet you all." Walter said graciously.

"I have some work to do. Now that you know everyone Walter, just do what they do. Albert, you are in charge of training our new recruit. Understood?" Maria announced.

Albert stepped forward.

"I understand, ma'am." he answered.

"Very well. I must be going now. You know what to do."

With these final words, Maria spun around and ran into the rapidly approaching day.

Authors note:

I know this chapter was short, the next one gets longer. Don't worry, we'll be meeting Jasper soon😁
I hope you are enjoying the book so far; put comments with any suggestions!!
Thanks for reading,

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