Ladies only

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I grabbed my clothes and went to take a shower. I went into the bathroom and took off my clothes turning the hot water on. I stepped inside the shower. Closing the glass shower as the glass began to fog.

I wet my body the glass door opened. It was Trent. He held my body kissing my shoulder. Then kissing my neck small moans escape my mouth.

"Baby not now. I gotta leave for work." I said

"Come on just a quick one."

"No I can't." I said

I wash my body and put on a dress and sandles. I grabbed my purse, bag and keys going to my car and into the club.

When I got there I went into my. dressing room. Changing my clothes putting on my costume I brush my hair and putting on my makeup. In the day time mostly business and married men come around. Mostly on their lunch break. I saw Candy come by me in the mirror.

" So on tonight  im having a sleepover you wanna come. Bad classy girls only and wear lingerie" Candy said in a flirty tone.

"Sure" I said.

"And Kane wanted me to tell you that your on after Angel."

" Alright " I said

I put on my heels and walked out the room. I went out the dressing room around here my name is Desire.

After Angel was done it was my turn.

"Gentlemen next up is our very own Desire the freak of your wet dreams. You just gotta have her. Desire gentlemen. " The DJ introduce me is I walked on stage they played my song. Jeremih Go to the Mo. I moved my body and swayed to the music as I danced around and did tricks on the pole.  As men through money on the stage paying me more as I took my clothes off. After I got off the security guard swept my money in a big bag and hand to me as I got off the stage. I went to my locker put it in the locker. I changed my clothes and went back out there a man in a nice black suit called me over showing me a 100 dollar bill. It was Derrick.

"So how's my mistress doing." He asked me

Derrick is the guy I'm cheating on Trent with. He's a married man no kids. For six months the affair has been going on. Derrick is a lawyer a fine white man with blue eyes and  black short cut hair. I honestly love a man that can dress classy for living.

"She's doing fine."

"That she is." He said

I sat on his lap and rolled my hips to the music. As I he slipped the hundred dollar bill in my thong. I took off my bra.  Sitting on his lap moving my hips to  the beat swaying my body.  Grinding on him as he. Slipped hundreds fifties and twenties on my thong strap. Dereck is always a big tipper. Only to me.

"  How about Tuesday you let daddy take you on a shopping trip."

"Tell the wife we'll see her soon."

"You got jokes. " he smirked going in his pocket flashing me a twenty.

"Always and thanks daddy. " I grabbed the bill out his hand. Dereck spoils me. Even if im his mistress he takes me on shopping trips, fancy restaurants and many other places he even give me gifts. His wife can't do it like me.

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