Getting To Know Him

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*respawn sound* "damit how could I leave myself open" said mirage "wait I need to know who that robot is?" he said so mirage placed a decoy where he was and snuck off the loosers dropship and went to the winners ship mirage saw both ships were leveing so mirage jumped onto a piece or rope hanging from the ship so he climbed up the the top and he managed to get the door on the side open and mirage scrambled in and saw him the robot standing at a window so mirage crept over avoiding caustic and octane when he got there mirage tapd the robot and jumped back when he almost staved mirage "Woh I just want to know who you are?" asked mirage "I am death whow are you skinbag" the robot said "well um I'm mir-" mirage was interrupted by footsteps mirage ran and hid "phew that was close OK so I'm mirage and your real name it?" mirage said "fine I'm revenant OK" revenant said

Just then the ship landed and mirage snuck off and that night mirage couldn't stop thinking about him and every time he brushed it off it just came back up in his head "I don't understand why do I think of him more than everyone else?" mirage thought

when mirage woke up something was different but he didn't know what it was so he went down stairs and then he saw revenant just standing there and mirage got closer until revenant ran out into the city and mirage in his pj's found himself in the city and everyone was revenant then "wait is this a dre-" then mirage woke up "woh what the hell dreems god dam dreems" mirage yelled.

give it up mirage x revenantWhere stories live. Discover now