Revenant Snaped

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Thoughts racing through revenants head telling him to kill the thoughts said stuff like "end him-Kill them all-This is not you" but revenant brushed them off and mirage said "um I just realised the copy is still alive because he died in the game" "nope a clone of me never can never respawn its just a different coppy" revenant replayed mirage looked pleased "can I ask do you actually want to die" asked mirage "yes it's the only way" explained revenant

(7hours later)
"wait what the guy is still alive no he can't be arg!" yelled revenant "what who is alive" asked mirage revenant just went silent but mirage saw the picture it was forge "turns out one stab won't kill a man" explained revenant mirage was confused but he said "well just kill him again" "let's go now!" revenant shouted and he pulled mirage

(a bit later)
"so this is a hamond building" mirage said but revenant was mad and just climbed up the building leaveng mirage so mirage just went inside and asked to see forge and someone actually let him in but when he met forge he told mirage why revenant was actually made mirage was confused but forge made the mistake of saying "I'm going to make revenants feel pain so they don't want to die" which made mirage so mad he turned into revenant and yelled "I'm going to f***ING kill you" and mirage grabbed him by the neck and smashed the window with his face and he dropped forge to his death right in front of revenant "you killed him" said revenant "he was mine a**hole!!!!!!" revenant screamed as he grabbed mirage but mirage got away and threw a piece of glass at revenant but that's when he saw a micro chip in him "oh god that's not you" yelled mirage but mirage was not able to get it out and revenant threw mirage through the door then security came but he was gone mirage left.

give it up mirage x revenantWhere stories live. Discover now