Chapter 7: February

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Lilly's POV:

After training with Sam every morning before school I've been stopping by Bella's to check on her and try to help her. At first she was somewhat like me. Didn't talk, ignored me, pretended like I didn't come to help when I brought her food. I guess it's payback for what I did to Jack and my parents, I deserve this. However, after a month she still wasn't doing any better, she started giving an attitude and yelled at me to go away. I just took it because I'm her friend and I wanna be there for her. However, Charlie hates the way she's treating me. He's been talking to me every morning about sending Bella away. I don't want her to go, but if it's what Charlie thinks what's best for his daughter, why stop him?

It's now February, and I headed over to Bella's. I made breakfast for her and Charlie, then helped Charlie take out the trash.

"Morning Lilly." Bob, Charlie's neighbor greeted.

"Morning, Bob." I smiled. "Tell Bev I said hi."

"Will do sweet pea." Bob smiled.

"It's about time you got rid of those stupid things, Bob." Charlie told his neighbor who was taking two motorcycles to the curb for trash. "Seen one too many bikers smeared in the highway."

"Save the lecture, Chief. Soon as someone hauls them away for scrap, you and my wife can rest easy." Bob told him. "Now, what's the uh, word on this bear problem? Folks are saying that they're huge."

Charlie spotted Bella and frowned, he notice she made us late again before turning back to Bob.

"Oh, that just.... It's just talk." Charlie assured.

"How you doing there, Bella?" Bob asked, but she completely ignored him. Rude.

"Hey, it's freezing out." Charlie said walking up to Bella, noticing she wasn't wearing a jacket. "You're running a little late again, when Lilly's been offering to take you, aren't you?"

"No, I'm fine. She can wait." Bella said making me glare at her from across the hood of my car. Bella looked at me and shrugged as she opened my car door, but Charlie shut it on her.

"Alright, that's it." Charlie sighed.

"What?" Bella asked.

"You're going to Jacksonville to live with your mother." Charlie told her.

"I'm not leaving Forks." Bella told him.

"Bells, he's not coming back." Charlie sighed.

"I know." Bella nodded.

"It's just not normal, this behavior. Quite frankly, it's scaring the hell out of me and your mother. And not to mention the way your treating Lilly when she's only trying to be there for you, it's kind of pissing both of us off." Charlie sighed. "Baby, I don't want you to leave. I don't, but just go. Go to Jacksonville. Make some new friends."

"I like my old friends." Bella said looking like she was going to cry.

"Well, you never see them anymore. Beside Lilly who your treating like shit, but yet she put the same problems aside your having in order to help you." Charlie frowned.

"He's right Bella." I frowned. "And I've a actually been hearing more nicer things from Jessica than you anymore. Heck we're going shopping tomorrow."

"Then I'll come too." Bella nodded.

"You hate shopping." Charlie said before looking at me as I shook my head. It wasn't really an invite, but if it helps I don't mind, but if she continues being a bitch I might just snap. Jack is really the only thing that's holding me together right now. He's my son, I love him to death, and he's the only part of Jasper I have left.

"I need a girls night out." Bella lied.

"All right. Girls night. Shopping." Charlie agreed. "I like it. Go buy some stuff."

At School: Lunch

I was sitting with Jack at our new table with Jessica, Mike, Eric, and Angela. To be honest, Jessica isn't as bitchy since Lauren moved and she isn't that bad. Annoying at times, but not bad.

"So, we still on for shopping tomorrow?" Jessica asked.

"Yeah, but uh, Bella's coming with." I informed her.

She looked back at Bella, who was sitting at Jack's old table, as she didn't eat anything, then looked back at me.

"Since when?" Jessica asked.

"Since she lied to her Dad and invited herself just so she wouldn't have to go to Jacksonville." Jack mumbled but Jess heard him. Yeah I told Jack what happened in first period. He isn't the biggest fan of Bella since he also knows she's been treating me like shit.

"And you let this slide after she's been treating you like shit?" Jessica asked. Yeah, Jessica knows because when I sat with Bella on my first day back she told Jack and I to fuck off, Jessica heard and actually invited us to sit with them.

"Let's just say if this helps her and stops her from being a raging bitch, I'll let it slide." I sighed.

"Hey." Bella said getting our attention. "You know I hate shopping so we're going to see a new zombie movie that came out."

Before Jessica or I could say anything Bella walked away.

"Looks like we're seeing a monster movie." Jessica rolled her eyes, stabbing at her salad as I pushed the tray away, not feeling my appetite anymore.

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