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"Hey," A voice whispered from the doorway. Charlie averted her eyes from the small TV on the wall to the door, her thin face lighting up when she saw who had stopped by like he had everyday to visit her.

"Hi Harry," Her frail voice whispered as she clicked off the TV with the remote.

She struggled on weak arms to push herself up further on her pillows. He took three long strides to her bedside, resisting the urge to put his hand on her back and help her. He knew how she liked to do things on her own. Instead, he opted for a soft kiss to her cool forehead.

"How are you feeling?" He asked as he sat on the edge of her bed.

Charlie scoffed at his question, scooting over to make room for him. She put her small hand on his tattooed arm, lightly tugging him up beside her. He moved easily, this almost routine for him now.

"You're asking how I'm feeling?" Charlie almost laughed as she carefully cuddled into his chest, listening to his strong heart beating in his chest, she loved it.

"Yeah, I guess I am. Is there a problem?" He asked, sliding his arm around her little frame.

"Not really, except you already know how I'm feeling; same way I felt yesterday when you were here." She sighed. "I'm tired, and weak, and nauseous and quite frankly, I'm ready for this all to be over."

"I know. Me too," He murmured into her thin hair. "It will be soon."

"I hope." She mumbled. "I feel like I'm gonna be sick," she muttered, her hand clamping over her mouth as she went even more pale, if that was even possible.

Harry rushed to grab the bucket beside her bed, holding it in front of her just in time for her to gag into it, not much coming up but bile from her lack of appetite.

Harry rubbed his hand over her back, the feeling of her spine under his fingertips proving just how thin she was.

"Take it away," she whispered, wiping her hand across her mouth before she reach to grab the cup of water on the table beside her bed. Harry knew she didn't like to have it in the room with her after she got sick, even if she did need it again so he took it to the bathroom to exchange it.

He placed the new pan on the table near her bed and sat in the chair beside her, grabbing her hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it softly.

"What do you think its like to die?"

"Dont think like that," he scolded. His eyes closed and his forehead dropped to the bed as he took a deep breath through his nose. "But, I think when its over, it will all just come back in flashes, you know?" He answered her. Although he hated to think about it, he knew she hated when she asked something and didn't get an answer. She wanted to know everything about him. But that's how you behave when you love somebody.

Charlie nodded, she did know what he meant, she just didn't believe it.

"But you don't need to be thinking about that. Because you're not going anywhere, right?" He asked, lifting his head from the sheets to reveal red eyes.

"Right," Charlie whispered, and leaned forward, gently pressing her lips against his.

He kissed he back easily, but with passion, not knowing when he would get to do it again. He tried forcing those thoughts from his head.

"I love you," he breathed, resting his forehead against hers.

"I love you, too," she whispered back.

Harry smiled warmly at her and kissed her cheek.

"So, what were you doing before i got here?"

"Watching American Horror Story," She grinned.

Harry shuddered. "How can you stand to watch that? Doesn't it have clowns?" He asked, knowing full well it did from the last time she had made him watch it.

"Indeed it does. But I'm not watching that season. I'm watching the second." She explained.

"Oh, yes. The slutty nuns. My favorite," Harry growled teasingly, as he moved back up beside her, kissing her neck softly.

She giggled, her light laughter filling the room.

"Do that again," Harry whispered, laying his head on her shoulder, his nose brushing against her neck.

"What?" She asked, resting her cheek against his forehead.


"Make me." she whispered.

Harry chuckled, his warm breath heating her skin. "OK, I have a joke."

Charlie rolled her eyes, knowing without doubt one of his corny jokes was coming.

"Okay, lemme hear it,"

Harry sat up, wanting to watch her when she laughed this time.

He took a deep breath, preparing for his joke. "What do you call the children of the corn's dad?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

"What?" She asked as if she hadn't heard the same joke forty times.


Charlie couldnt help but giggle at Harry's smug expression, obviously proud of his joke.

Harry stared at her in awe, trying to remember the exact way her eyes crinkled at the sides and her nose scrunched up with her giggle, her slightly crooked bottom teeth peeking out.

Charlie raised an eyebrow at him. "Pictures last longer," She commented.

"I have pictures."

Charlie rolled her eyes teasingly as he moved back up beside her, grabbing the remote to turn the TV on, knowing she loved to just cuddle up with him and watch her creepy shows. He had to admit though, they were pretty intense and they kept her mind off the elephant in the room, so he went with it.

Charlie watched the screen for approximately five minutes before she yawned,curling in against Harry.

"Sleep, love," Harry whispered, moving the wisps of hair from her face to press a kiss to her temple.

As she started to fall asleep, she heard Harry's soft voice in her ear.

"Your slutty nuns and I will be right here when you wake up."

She fell unconscious with a ghost of a smile on her lips.



since this is the prologue , it's in third person. note, the entire story will not be in third person, nor will it leave you with this many questions! please vote and comment so I know you like it! constructive criticism is appreciated!

-jaden (:

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