**warning, they discuss Eleanor & Park and Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and if you hadn't read these, there could be spoilers! the stars will indicate where it begins and ends so you can just skip that part! be sure the vote/comment!**

"Chambers!" Harry's voice came through the speaker of my phone.

"Styles," I replied, curling up on my bed.

"What the hell kind of ending is this?" Harry groaned. Over the past three days, we had finished reading our books. When we weren't reading, we were talking on the phone or texting. 

"Yeah, it kind of sucks," I sighed.

** "You can say that again," he agreed. "They just.. stop? The only contact they have is her telling him she loves him? What is up with that?"

"I don't know. I guess it's just the authors way of making it different." I shrugged. "I wasn't very fond of that book but that's just my opinion. It's cute but I've definitely read better."

"It was weird. But, I guess in a good way," he replied. "So what did you think of Harry Potter?"

"It was good but it's a little too far fetched for me. I like real stuff or dystopian. Not exactly wizards and dragons and trolls," I answered. "but still had a really cool story plot. I might read the rest." **

"Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Ready for another date?" he asked.

"Aren't you working today?" 

"I am, actually, but that's the date. You're gonna come with me to the bakery and help me make my famous bread." He boasted. 

I laughed. "Is that so?" I asked.

"Yes. So I'll be there in about a half an hour if that's cool with you?" 

"Yeah, that's fine. See you then, Harold." 


"It's so cute!" I cooed as we pulled up outside a small little bakery. 

Harry chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, I guess." He said, taking my hand as he led me in the small shop. 

We walked straight to the back and Harry grabbed a beanie from a shelf and pulled it on over his curls. "You might wanna pull your hair back." He advised. 

I gathered my hair and tied it into a ponytail as Harry tied on an apron. Harry walked to me and tied an apron around my waist and spun me around by my hips and kissed me softly. "Let's get to work." He smiled. 

Harry and I worked together to make the first loaf of bread, me having never done it before. Harry stood behind me, helping me knead the dough and shape it before we placed it on a pan and started on another. We filled a pan together before he sent me off to make them on my own. 

We stood beside each other, each of us working on our own loaf when I felt something powdery hit the side of my face and I gasped. "Harold, you did not." I said, looking at him with wide eyes to be met with a mischievous smirk.

"And what if I did?" He asked, quirking a brow. 

I only giggled and grabbed a handful of flour and threw it at him, grinning brightly when it splattered on his neck and chin. "Oh, now you've done it." He stated and grabbed more flour to throw at me. 

Before I knew it, we were in a full out flour war, both of us quickly covered in flour. 

"What is going on in here?!" A female voice gasped.

Harry and I both froze and turned toward the voice, both of us looking extremely pale from the flour. "Barbara!" Harry grinned. 

"What have you got going on in here, Harry?" The short woman asked. 

"Um.." Harry stammered and looked at me with a small smile on his face. "This is my girlfriend, Charlie. I thought she could help us out today and things got a little out of hand." Harry shrugged, looking at me like a little boy who just got caught eating a cookie before dinner. "We'll clean it up."

Barbara nodded and smiled. "I'm glad you brought her. We could use some help." She said before looking at me. "Nice to meet you. I'm Barbara." She said sweetly, extending her hand. 

Barbara couldn't be any younger than fifty, from what I could tell. I shook her hand and returned the smile. "I'm Charlie." 

'Alright, well, I'll leave you two to clean this up then," she announced, looking down at the flour covered tan and brown tile before walking back to the front to watch the counter.

As soon as she was gone, Harry and I looked at each other before bursting into loud laughter. After we calmed down, Harry rested his powdery forehead against mine. "Let's get to work, shall we?" 

I giggled and nodded, feeling his lips press against mine for a split second before they were left cold again. Harry and I went to the bathroom to clean off our faces and shake the flour out of our hair. After Harry went out of the bathroom, I stayed behind. I used the toilet and washed my hands.

When i got out of the bathroom, I saw Harry sweeping up the flour and I giggled. He looked up at me and pulled a face before doing a ridiculous dance as he moved the powder into a pile. I quickly snapped a picture of my goof and slid my phone into my pocket. "Cute." I commented. 

Harry grinned brightly and finished cleaning the floor. 

The rest of the day went by easily and Harry and I refrained from making another big mess. 

When it was closing time, my stomach was growling. Being around bread and other baked goods all day had made me hungry. "Charles, would you like to go out to eat?" Harry asked as he locked the shop.

"Absolutely. I'm starving." I groaned. 

"How does McDonald's sound considering neither of us are dressed for anything much nicer? Not to mention, I feel like I've got four pounds of flour in my hair." 

"That sounds wonderful because I feel the same," I giggled as I slid past him into his car.  

"Wanna just go through the drive-thru then go to my apartment and find something on Netflix?" He suggested. 

"Absolutely." I smiled. 

When Harry and I got to his apartment, I carried the bags of food while he carried our drinks. We cuddled up on the couch with blankets and our food and looked through the selections on Netflix. 

"I've heard interesting things about that," I said as he moved over American Horror Story. 

"Fine, but if I have nightmares, I'm calling you." He teased as he started season one. 

I laughed and nibbled on a fry. "Deal." I said, kissing him softly. 



Harry at the bakery on the side! im sorry, i couldnt pass it up! I hope you guys are enjoying this! ill probably have to be going back to school soon so hopefully ill be able to keep up my updating! remember to vote and comment! p.s. if you can comment something to make me laugh, ill dedicate the next chapter to you! 

- jaden :) 

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