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I was woke later that night to my phone buzzing loudly on my bedside table. I groaned and rolled over, grabbing it and pressing accept. "Hello?" I muttered, rubbing my sleepy eyes. I looked at the alarm clock. 3:27.

"Charlie," Harry whined.

"Harry, what do you want?" I giggled.

"I had a nightmare and you said to call you if I did," he said quietly, sounding like a little boy.

"Aw, I'm sorry. Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked, yawning afterward.

"Yes please. Unlock your front door." He said and I heard the beeping that signaled the call had been ended.

"What?" I asked, mostly myself, climbing out of bed to pad into the kitchen and to the front door. I looked out the window and frowned,not seeing anything.

I unlocked the door and pulled it open slowly. My front porch was vacant, causing me to step out and look around.

"Good morning, Charles," Harry chirped from beside me and I gasped.

"Harry!" I laughed quietly. "What are you doing here?" I questioned, stepping out on the porch so I wouldn't wake my parents. I didn't even realize I had my fuzzy bunny pajama pants on and a tshirt - without a bra.

"I wanted to see you," he shrugged, stepping forward to hug me.

I hugged him back tightly. "You just dropped me off like three hours ago," I giggled.

"I know but I wanted to see you again," he whispered and pulled back, but didn't let go of my waist.

"Well, I'm flattered but just know, if you wake me up again, I'll kick your ass," I teased.

His loud laugh echoed off the walls of my porch and I quickly clamped my hand over his mouth. "and if you wake my parents up my dad will kick your ass." I whispered.

Harry only laughed into my palm and flicked his tongue out over my hand. I raised an eyebrow. "You think that bothers me?" I asked and removed my hand.

"It would bother most people," He shrugged.

"I'm not most people," I pointed out and leaned forward like I was going to kiss him when I moved and licked his cheek.

"Charlie!" Harry groaned, causing me to laugh as he scrubbed his hand over his cheek. "Gross," he muttered.

"Don't be such a girl," I teased, bumping him with my elbow.

"Are you going to invite me in or are we standing out here all night?" he asked.

"I'll let you in, ONLY if you promise to be quiet."

Harry pretended to zip his lips and toss the key over his shoulder.

I giggled and grabbed his hand and pulled him in the house with me, quietly closing the door behind me. I pulled him up to my room and closed that door as well.

"Welcome to my room," I said, looking around. Only when I looked in the mirror on my closet door did I realize what I was wearing and I gasped. "I need to change," I mumbled to myself, quickly going to my closet to find more appropriate clothes.

Harry chuckled, his lips still together, as he walked to my bed and sat down. I quickly grabbed a pair of American Eagle sweatpants and a hoodie, my sports bra tucked in the fabric.

"I'll be right back," I promised Harry and rushed to the bathroom to change. I of course wasn't getting fancy. I just needed something that made me look a little older than four.

When I returned to the bathroom after having changed and brushed my teeth(because he will probably try and kiss me), I found Harry scrolling through something on my laptop.

"Harry!" I groaned. He looked up from the screen and raised an eyebrow, still not talking. His face was lit up by the bright screen and his curls how they were usually, pushed up. He was in a white scoop neck shirt and black jeans. How he slept in those, I had no clue. For it being almost four am, he looked good.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

He spun my laptop around on his lap to show me he had gone to Netflix to pick up where we left off on American Horror Story, which was episode four.

I smiled. "I like the way you think," I said, crawling into my bed, watching as he maneuvered up beside me. He sat my laptop on his legs and pulled me into his side. I cuddled against him and watched the screen,

Half an hour later, I heard Harry snoring softly. I giggled quietly and yawned before turning off my laptop and putting it on the nightstand.

"Harry.." I whispered.

"Hm?" He grunted.

"Wake up, love, you've gotta go home."

"No, I'm staying right here." He whispered and pulled me against him before he fell asleep again. I sighed, one night wouldn't hurt and my parents probably wouldn't come in anyway. Even if they did, I'm an adult.


"Charlie! I'm leaving!" My dad called.

I forced my tired eyes open and saw a sparrow right in front of me. I was slightly startled but then everything from last night came back and I smiled. I had slept with Harry. No, I didn't have sex with him. We just slept together in the most innocent way possible.

I reach up to trace the dark ink in the shape of the bird and moved his shirt slightly so all of the tattoo was visible.

"Having fun?" Harry's voice chuckled from above me and I gasped.

"You scared me," I groaned, hiding my face in his chest.

Harry laughed and kissed the top of my head before climbing out of my bed. "Where are you going?" I asked him.

"I'm gonna use the restroom then probably head out. I need to brush my teeth and take a shower. I don't have work today so do you wanna do something?" He offered.

I thought for a minute then nodded. Harry grinned my favorite Harry smile and his dimples sunk into his cheeks.

"Okay, I'll be back at eleven. Dress fancy." He winked then left my room and went to the bathroom.

"Bye, Charles." He said, poking his head in my room.

"See you later, Harold." I replied, smiling warmly.

And with that, he was gone.



I know this was kinda short and uneventful buttttt the next chapter should be adorable and since I didnt update last night i just wanted to get this out.! not my greatest chapter but oh well! Harry showing up at Charlie's on the side 😍 remember our twitter is @/sleepyconvo and plz vote/comment!! :)


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