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I follow my nurse back to my room and she gives me the go ahead to change out of this ugly hospital gown and into my clothes. I quickly do and walk down the familiar path to the conference room, where my parents and Dr. Montgomery are already sat at one end of the large table, folders and papers spread out in front of them. I peek my head in.

"I'm going to the cafeteria," I tell them, not waiting for their approval before I close the door and walk toward the elevators. Besides, I'm an adult. I could go if I pleased. I just didn't want to sit in that room and listen to the chances that I might die.

I walk into the cafeteria, this hospital already so familiar from my usual visits. I scan the line, trying to decide if I wanted the terrible food they served here. Something from the vending machine would be more healthy than anything they could serve, even though this was a hospital. I thought you were supposed to get better here, not sick.

I look through the glass at the different overly priced junk foods and type in the number under the Twix bar after putting in the eight quarters. The rings start to spin to release the candy when it freezes, the Twix bar still stuck between the rungs.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me," I groaned.

"Having trouble?" a voice chuckles behind me.

I spin around and I see a tan chest with two bird tattoos peeking out of the collar of his tshirt. I look up to his face, a cocky smirk on his lips. His dark, curly hair was pushed up off of his forehead in a way that sounds like it should be messy, but he had a way of making it work.

Great, I thought, another egotistic asshole.

"No." I snap, turning back around to act interested in getting this Twix bar out but really I just wanted to get his eyes off my face. Even if he was an asshole, he sure was a sexy one with an intense stare.

He laughed from behind my and walked up beside me. "Sorry, I was just trying to help. I'm Harry," He smiled, straight teeth on full display as he extended his hand.

I eyed him warily before reaching out to put my hand in his. "Charlie."

Harry's eyebrows raised. "Charlie," He hummed. "Like the little girl on Good Luck Charlie?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes. Why did everyone always think that? "Yeah, like her."

Harry nodded, and reach into the pocket of his jeans, change ratting as his hand moved around. He held out his hand and searched through the random coins for eight quarters. He slid them into the machine and typed the same number for the Twix bar.

The rings started to spin and my candy bar fell, along with another. I reach through the flap to grab them but my hand had only brushed the wrapper when they were pulled out, of course by Harry.

"Hey," I pouted. "I paid for the first one."

"I know, and you can have it. As long as you walk with me." He negotiated.

"Where?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Don't act so defensive," He chuckled. "Just around."

I looked up at his face, then looked down to my Twix bar in his hand, then back up to him.

He raised an eyebrow.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine," I huffed, snatching my candy out of his hand.

Harry grinned in triumph and we walked out of the hospital, .

"So," he started, ripping open the candy. "What brings you to the hospital today?" He asked, taking a bite of the candy, caramel stringing from the candy in his hand to his pink lips.

"Uh.." I started. "I um.. I had a checkup." I answered. It wasn't a lie, it just wasn't a regular checkup like most people had. "What about you?"

"My sister just returned from some trip in Africa and wasn't feeling well so I had to bring her here to make sure she doesn't have some deadly infection." He explained.

I nodded as I pulled open the wrapper, taking a bite.

"If you're here for a checkup, why are you still here? or were you early?" he asked.

I nearly stopped walking so i could think of an explanation but i kept moving. "My uh.. parents had to talk to the doctor about something."

"Parents? You came with your parents?" I could see the slight uncertainty in his eyes.

"Yeah, I mean, I'm nineteen and I could have come alone but.. my parents wanted to talk to my doctor." I explained.

Harry nodded, relief flashing over his face. I saw him start to ask a question but decided against it. Thank God, I didn't want to have to explain to him why my parents had to talk to my doctor.

"How old are you?" I asked, looking up at him. The sun was causing his green eyes to practically glow.

"20," He smiled.

I nodded and finished off my Twix bar.

"Do you wanna go out with me?"

I coughed, not expecting the question, causing some of my candy to go down my throat unexpectedly. Harry gently touched my back as I bent over, coughing violently. "Are you okay?" He asked.

I nodded, holding my chest as I coughed. I finally cleared my throat and stood straight, my eyes watering.

"I'm okay," I said with a soft laugh.

Harry chuckled softly. "you sure?" he asked.

I nodded . "Positive"

"So, do you?"

"I.. I cant.." I said softly.

"Why not?" He asked, curiosity shining in his eyes.

"Because.. because I just cant.." I sighed.

"Do you not date older guys or something like that?" He asked and I could hear the humor behind his question. Even being rejected, he was confident and trying to make jokes. He wasn't cocky, like my first impression had told me. He was sure of himself, but in a way it was almost.. charming..?

"Sorta. Or any guys."

I watched as his eyes widened. "Oh, are you lesbian?" he asked.

I was never a good liar or prankster; I always laughed too soon. Which was true in this case, as I had started giggling as soon as I saw his expression.

"No, I'm teasing," I smiled. "But seriously, I can't go on a date with you."

"Okay. Who said it was a date?" He questioned.

"You did! Just now!" I laughed as I recalled what he had just said. "You literally just said 'Do you not date older guys or something?' which shows you thought it was a date." I stated, proud of catching him.

"I dont know what you're talking about." He said, acting totally oblivious.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes playfully.

"Do you have a memory problem?" I asked him.

He shook his head, looking sideways down at me. "No, do you?"

I shook my head. "Nope." I said, emphasising the 'p'.

"I dont believe you. What did I just ask you?"

Being the competitive person I am, I smiled proudly as I recited, "Do you wanna go out with me?" My eyes widened as his lips stretched into a blinding smile, dimples sinking into his cheeks.

"I'd love to."


a/n I hope you guys are enjoying this! please remember to comment and vote as it keeps me motivated! I am picturing Charlie as Emma Roberts but of course you are free to imagne her however you please! I love harry in this, hes so cute :) im gonna try and update again tonight. I havent been to school since dec 19 and i havent been to school all week and dont have school tomorrow! yay so hopefully more updates

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