6: Dream Team

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            Good grinned, he couldn't believe he finally had control. Sure, he had stopped Bad from hurting himself, and he'd argued with Skeppy and a6d, but he finally had full control.
            Surprisingly enough, Bad didn't utter a word. He hoped it would stay that way, he didn't think he'd be able to stand Bad telling him what to do.
            Good knew it had been wrong to trick him, to betray his trust like that, but he didn't know any other way to help and protect Bad. That was his purpose, wasn't it? To protect Bad from the feelings he represented.
            But he also wanted to be a person. He wanted that so much more than his natural instinct to protect Bad. So that was what he had done. He hurt Bad more than he had ever been hurt before, he comforted Bad when he needed it most.
            That was why he was in control now. His will had finally broke, and he had trusted Good enough to let him in.
            Good had a... particular agenda. But while he knew what he needed to do, he had no idea how he was to go about doing it.
            He cycled through dozens of ideas before settling on one that was deceptively simple.
            Good picked up Bad's phone, still hesitant about his idea. He opened his text messages and scrolled until he found Dream.

BadBoyHalo: We should meet up! You, SapNap, George, and me!

            He sent the message and sat, waiting for Dream to reply. It wasn't long before he began to type a message back.

Dream: You sure? Skeppy told me you've been a little down lately

            Of course Skeppy would've told him, if only because it would make things harder for Good.

BadBoyHalo: Yeah, I've been fine, Skeppy's the one who's been weird. So whaddya think?

            He could almost picture Dream contemplating his answer.

Dream: Sure, when were you thinking?

BadBoyHalo: How about tomorrow?

            For a second, Good regretted being so eager, but when he read the next message he forgot about it.

Dream: Sounds good. I'll talk to SapNap and George

            Good's grin turned wolfish on his face.

Good, what are you doing?

            His smile faltered when he heard the words from Bad, but they were quiet and muffled sounding, like he was talking through a wall.
            Good ignored him, all he would do by listening to him is give him power, which was dangerous.
He stood up and bounced on the balls of his feet, feeling restless and impatient.
            He started pacing back and forth through the room, imagining his plan in action. A ding emanating from Bad's phone startled him.
            He checked the notification, which was a new message from Dream.

Dream: 2 p.m my house tomorrow?

BadBoyHalo: See you then

            He giggled, and fell back onto the bed, the giggles turning into a full out laughing fit.
            The laughs echoed through the entire house, ricocheting off of every wall.
            With one last laugh, Good fell asleep, laying on the bed with his phone in one hand.


            When Good woke from his slumber, it was already 9 in the morning the next day. His fingers were still locked on the phone, but he had somehow flipped onto his stomach sometime during the night.
            He skipped through the house, threw open the door to the fridge, and snatched some leftovers from inside. He grabbed a fork and quickly wolfed down the food.
            Before, going to take a short shower, he tossed the dirty Tupperware and fork into the sink. While in the shower he happily hummed the melody to one of his favorite songs.
            He picked out a hoodie that Bad had rarely worn, it was light blue with a darker blue for contrast.

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