Day one

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They're checking my neck for babies.

Or at least they're using the tool that does that. Taking an ultrasound or whatever. I grit my teeth and try to ignore the thin needle in my neck. It didn't really hurt I could just feel the thin metal inside my neck. Moving around to find the sample.

The ultrasound machine is supposed to find the thyroid. Then the needle is supposed to get a bit of the thyroid. Then they'll test it for cancer. Just a perfect way to end my day. Getting tested for very likely cancer.

When I first saw the bump in the mirror last week. All I did was note the odd thing and continue brushing my teeth. As the days slowly went by the odd bump began to hurt more and more. Until I went to my Uncle Gyasto for help.

Uncle Gyasto took up my guardianship when I was about three or so. I can't remember my biological parents. All I know is that they died in a house fire. And that at the time of the fire I was with Uncle Gyasto. It was around the end of winter. I had apparently wanted to go sledding for the last time that season. My parents had stayed back for a buisness meeting or whatever. I had ended staying longer than planned. Then half way to the house. Gyasto had run into traffic, and a billowing stack of smoke rising from ab ou ut where our house was. He has been my guardian ever since.

Of course, when I told him about my bump, my Uncle was immediately worried about my health. He grabbed the car keys and dragged me to the hospital. For a simple check up he said.

It was not a simple checkup.

They took a blood test. I got a hello kitty band aid which is a plus. While they're waiting for the results of the blood test, they decided to check my neck for babies, and take samples of my thyroid. Whatever that is.

The nurse finally took the baby checker off my neck, and pulled out the needle. He just nodded politely in my direction. Then he summoned for Gyasto to follow him into the hallway. I swing my feet on the examination table.

I watch the clock, as the second hand slowly ticked around the circle. It took twelve second hand rotations for Gyasto to come back in with the nurse. When they did, Gyasto just wordlessly handed me a paper. Then walked to the small chairs in the corner. A look of grim concentration on his face. I began to read.

Turns out I have something called thyroid cancer. Basically the cause of the cancer is unknown, but likely has a cause of 'genetic and environmental factors'. I am just greatful I can get cured of it rather quickly.

Then comes the part with radioactive junk. When the surgery eventually comes I'm going to need to be prepared. Firstly I'm going to have to swallow some radioactive pills that targets the infected thyroid tissue and other fast growing stuff. The infection has to die before the surgeons remove it.

Here comes the fun part. I have to stay in the hospital until the surgery. With no explanation whatsoever.

This is stupid.

I don't say that out lout though. I meerly nod politely at the nurse. He nods back, and leaves the check up room. It's one of those rooms where the examination table is a firetruck, and has wooden books in a corner. The bright and cheery room does nothing to soften the blow.

I slide off the wax paper covered table, and start to pace. Gyasto sighs. I turn towards him. He's staring at his lap. His bright orange shoes tucked under his chair. His usually very cheerful eyes were downcast.

"Do you want to hear the reason you'll be stuck here Aang?" Gyasto asks softly. I stop my pacing, and turn towards Gyasto. Suddenly concerned, I sit next to him in the uncomfortable chair. I take one of his hands in his lap in my own. "It's a money reason. Our insurance will cover your total stay in the hospital. If we go home now then it's an added two hundred dollars for shipping the drug."

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