The Story Part 2

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The game started over, and I had horrible nightmares until I was back. Everything seemed normal at first until I saw glitches, a lot of them.

Yuri went really close to MC and she was overly obsessive, they were always reading. Then a couple days later I saw that Yuri was cutting, that wasn't supposed to happen, so I tried rewinding a little.

Instead, it happened again, but this time I wasn't able to rewind it so I jumped in and moved MC away. That seemed to fix it, until the day before the festival. I moved the mouse towards my choice so I could be chosen. Instead MC managed to click someone else's name.

The screen went white, blue eyes popped out and stares at MC. Some gibberish played and a bunch of my choices appeared. Only mine. It seemed normal enough untill I realized something. BLUE EYES, I had green eyes not blue. The one that has blue eyes was Sayori. But she was gone!?

Well that happened, but before we could leave Yuri pulled MC away. She confessed to him, and MC accepted, then Yuri started laughing maniacally and then........

She stabbed herself, 2 times in the stomach and once in the heart. Then the game stopped and MC had to see a dead Yuri for a long time. The next day Natsuki came and I saw running out about to throw up. I ran into the room and saw Yuri dead.

There was no way to fix the game now, even if I deleted Yuri and restarted, there wouldn't be enough to continue anything. So I did the best  thing I could do. I deleted everything.

The game restarted and we were on a classroom in the sky, it was only MC and me. It was great, but MC couldn't say anything so it was a little boring. But then, I felt bad, it was if I was getting deleted. MC DELETED ME!! I tried saving myself but the best I could do was delay it.

I called MC horrible and sick since he did this, but a few seconds later, I realized that he wasn't the monster, I was. I had deleted all my friends, and made them suffer. But I remembered, I had created a back-up file for each of them, so I put them back in and allowed myself to be deleted.

Then ad soon as it happened, it ended, I was back, but not fully, no...NO, i can't be, I will ruin it again! So I left a message and deleted myself.

Then again I was back, but different, I knew this happened before but I didn't know what happened last time... I was stuck in a loop....deleting and being deleted.

"Guys? What's happening?!"

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