What's happening?

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Hi, I'm sorry for the long wait, I lost some motivation.

"Guys, what happening?" MC's voice glitched.

MC looked at them, he was glitching a lot. He couldn't move and his voice turned to static. Monika opened his file and saw that it was slowly fading.

"MC, you are getting deleted!" Monika quickly said. "You don't have a lot of time! I can't do anything."

"Are you sure?!" Sayori said desperate.

"Yes, and according to the speed, the deleting will be painful. I knew how it felt. It happened every time." Monika sighed. "The only thing I can do to help is to delete you myself. You will get deleted out of the game."

"And then what? Isn't he the one that is keeping the game active?" Yuri asked.

"True, but I can make it one of us that is the new 'MC'."

"I'll do it." Natsuki chirped up. "I wasn't really important in that storyline and you only deleted me since you couldn't restart it again."

"Are you sure Natsuki?" Monika asked.

"Yes. I am."

Monika sighed. She got Natsuki's file and brought it close to the MC spot, it was a dangerous move. She quickly switched them and threw MC's file in the trash. Natsuki glitched and MC stopped glitching.

"You have a minute left MC. After that you will dissapear." Monika said.

"Ok, thank you. I wanted to say thank you for giving me this adventure. Sayori for being my friend. Yuri for always being close, Natsuki for being such a tsundere." MC paused. "You were at first assumed to be evil, but now I understand."

MC then started fading. He smiled one last time at them and waved good bye. MC, a few seconds later disappeared.

"Now what." Natsuki asked.

"I could teach you all to change the game." Monika suggested.

"That will be cool." Yuri replied.

"Then what are we waiting for! Let's go!"

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