Bar Games

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Raguari's POV

Colin and I talked for the next hour and a half-mostly about what there is to do in DC, but we edid stray off into politics and Rilu-before one of the secret service agents reminded me that I need to return back to my house "It was very nice meeting you Colin" I say while giving him a friendly smile.

"It was good to meet you too as well Raguari" He reaches down and scratches Maple's head as the husky pants happily "and I think Maple is as well"

I clear my throat and nervously scratch the back of my paw "I ehm...I have a weird and silly question for you Colin" nervously I shift my weight from foot to foot "would you mind if I could get your phone number?" nervously scratching the back of my right paw "you are the first human friend I have properly made, and I was thinking we could...get together more often?" He gives me a weird look "no no, I mean uhh...we could hang out with each other"

He nods his head, making his blond hair bounce up and down "Ohh yeah sure of course, here let me see your phone and I'll type it in for you"

I pull my phone out and hand it to him; but he just stares at the orange screen, swiping his finger across it "I...I don't kno-what is this?"

"I do not have an American phone, that is my personal phone"

He hands me my phone back and hmms quietly, looking around at the two Secret Servicemen on either side of me and the intimidating, yet ever skeptical Crutez "Well, how about we meet at the American Empire Bar and Grill next Monday" Maple nuzzles Colin's elbow, distracting him quickly before he turns back to me, his shaggy blond hair swaying over his eyes "say around six-ish"

Nodding my head excitedly "That sounds good, thanks"

He scribbles his phone number down on a napkin and gives it to me "If you do get a phone by then, give me a call"

Grabbing the napkin, I look at the number and nod before walking to the door, giving Colin a quick wave before disappearing outside. Over the next week I worked from home mostly, video calling with the Xeno Citizenry committee; the near constant bickering and accusations thrown around between members, mixed with how often someone would cut the speaker off gave me a migraine by the end of each meeting. But on Wednesday afternoon, I met Secretary Morgan at his office again where he informed me that President Fisher agreed to give limited support to the Russians in their colonial war, and that a joint US, British, and French naval fleet was to meet with the Xirexian First Grand Fleet-Fulno Undo, our most powerful fleet but also the one used for propaganda purposes-sometime within the next week in deep space roughly 250 light years away from Earth. Finally some good news for a change. Finally, I will actually have a direct line of communication home so I can call Snieffles, my parents, friends-wow how I miss all of them, tears actually welled up in my eyes and rolled down my cheek when I thought of hearing Snieffle again-and confirmation of when the Grand Fleet will visit earth. Currently it is set for December 15th. Six months away. That will be when the grand ceremony in space near the moon and in the Sonoran desert of Northern Mexican territory; however that is only a rough estimation that will more than likely be changed.

I open my closet and rifle through my clothes, only stopping when I get to the two suits my n the furthest right; a silk threaded midnight black tuxedo with gold and silver threads in the stitching on both the vest and trousers, or my Diech Uniform-a white suit and pants with dark cobalt blue trimming along the neck, buttons, and lapels-I grab my uniform and hold it over my naked body. Dark chocolate brown fur really eventuates the suit and would make me very visible. Which I'm not sure is a good idea with how everything has been going recently.

So I decided to wear the tuxedo.

In a little under 10 minutes I'm dressed and grooming my fur, combing the strands flat along the top of my head, around my ears, and the sides of my neck. Walking into the living room-Crutez is standing at the window with his arms crossed behind his back, watching my guards and the Americans patrolling the building, and the police cordon outside the security wall. He turns around and groans at me, shaking his head before looking back out the tinted window.

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