The Start (Not a chapter, just explains the story)

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Authors note

I am making this, this part  is not chapter, it expalains the story so read this before Chapter 1


I thought. I thought- that I could trust Eldon, But apparently I cannot, I mean, I was on the stage and someone, I don't know who, blew off the dance, but Eldon got everyone to believe it was me, or was it Eldon he made it look like it was me, I can't tell because Guess what I blacked out after someone threw a punch, I'm all better now. But I still don't know exactly what happened, I need to find out!


I know I didn't do it, everyone in A troupe is telling different versions of what happened to the Police, but the odd thing is everyone in the E-girls are telling the same story


I am fighting for what I think is right, my story must get Michelle somewhere, but where, because of this, Emily is madder and threatened at Michelle than ever, what will I do! And is there any way to stop it


Inter National's auditions are going to start, with everyone in A troupe except for Riley against me, what d I do


I didn't see what happened but, Right now all that matters is we get back to Inter-National's right now this is bad.......


I'll strike A troupe harder than ever, I feel that now, A troupe is getting better at dancing, but with the drama, I just want to go back to being normal,  but Noooooo| the cops still have to go ahead and ruin our Inter National's practice time, they are investigating on this why! I did nothing. But something I just don't want to go to Juvy or something IDK this could ruin the team, forever, something happened that makes me keep my secret

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