Chapter 2

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Michelle's POV

Once Kate says my name, I get on the floor, A troupe will really change for inter-National's, even thouggh I wanna know who made me black out why! why  would anyone do this to me?

Kate: EMILY!

Emily starts dancing, everything will change, I think it might be her

Kate: Gidion

Gidion helped us, he is an adult, but, there are no age limets for Inter- National's


Kate: okay it's  after the auitions I'll go into my office and decide

I hear Steph and Em talk

S: OMG like did you hear

E: I am trying to keep the secret identity of who under cover

S: great! now E-girls swear

they E- girls swear


Emily: maty I go to the qashroom

Kate: sure

I follow Emily

Emily: what do you want

I know, you know who made me black out, and I want an answer now!

Emily: you'll never ever get it!

Emily leaves me leaving me to sigh in frustration, I want this to be over!

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