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THABKS U GUYS, now I hav shoutoutd today

@Jiley_Laylalover- for sending me great comments, when I joined WattPad, she was my 2nd fan, my 1rst 1 is meomi I think? I am not sure , but my first fan changed her name on WattPad so I cannot fiind my first fan, if so, she would have a shoutout

@TNS_4_life- I am giving one o her becuase without her help, this story wouild have never been made

@Tris_The_divergant  for being awsome at writeing,(YOU GO GIRL!) I hope to see more books from the her in the future,, I think she was my 3rd fan, TNS_4_life I think was my 4rth fan,. so ya, I cannot wait for the next fewchapters of another step I am not sure about witch one is witch on my fans

@Maryb72- she loves Everything=National's, now be honest, I know everything=Natiopnal's wasn't my best

Okay, so those were all of my shotuouts, I love you all guys, everyone is equal, hope u enjoyed, when ever I give shoutouts guys I'll only have 4 at a time,  becuase, I won't have the time to go and write doown the user names, I don't have enough fans yet and I won't have enough time to tell them why they get a shoutout

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