OMG MICHELLE! are you Okay?

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Authors note

I have decided to name chapters becuase of TNS_4_life, that is why I dedicated the chapter to her o and this chapter takes place 3 days after chapter 20, so I'll summerize what you guys will have missed

Riley and James are (kinda sorta) in a war with Michelle, well they are all turned on each other, well anyways, but Michelle and Riley nmade up, and so they are hanging out to prove no matter what and no matter who,  even if your friends hate your ister or your other friend, you guys can still be friends, so this chaoter is in Michekllle's house and they are having a sleepover

back to stiry

Riley's POV

SO HA HA ! I yell

Michelle: I hate Eldon

right now we are relaxing having fun after getting through all the drama, wow that was a harsh time, , Michelle's mom come up

Michelle's Mom: do you want some coockies, they are from Alexia

Oh, Alexia is my BFF I say

Michelle: it's fine

SURE! I yell

later we are eating them as

Michelle starts choking, we take her to the hospital, OMG I don;t know what to say, ther I meet Eldon, James is with me

James: what do you want Eldon

Eldon: I came to get Michelle back

James starts to agrue

NO! let him do what he wants to do, it is his life he is messing up! I say

Eldon walks in

Michelle's POV

Eldon: I came here

I don't wanna talk to you! I slightly say through my throat

Eldon just stares at me, I already told him I don't want to date him, but why me! why do we have to end up together

Eldon: LISTEN! I didn't come to ask you to date me again, I really want you to date me, but all I want is peice at the studio,  , I mean C'mon, it is almost competition time, so I want 1 day, at least 1 day without drama, and if me and you not dating is the answer, I'll take it, I would do anything for 1 , or even 2 days of no drama at the studio

I think, he is right, I mean I would do the same thing for 1 day of peice at the studio, I think there I something I should tell him

QOTC: what do you think Michelle is planning on saying to Eldon?

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