Chapter 9

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West's POV

        HI I say to Emily

Emily: Hi, I have a crush on you

Well, we are with diffrent people I say

I walk away

Emily: Listen, I know you will not like me for this, probliy hate me for this but, what if I tell you a secret

Gop ahead I say

Emily: in my time here, I did something bad

I become shocked

Well...... can you tell me I ask

Emily: no, It'll screw up everything, 

once Emily tells me, if she tells me the bad thing, it'll screw up everything, she walks away, that makes me feel, wiredly attracted to her, like, was it a murder, a kidnapp, we don;t know, but only time will tell, and I wanna know, what it was

Stephanie walks over

Stephanie: hey

Hi I sigh

Stephanie: I know what Emily did

she walkls over and whispers, I am afriad, she told me something I didn;t wanna know, she told me something I was notw wanting to get involved with

QOTC: What do you think, was the bad thing Emily did, that Stephanie whispered in West's ear,
once someone gives the correct answer, or a week, I'll give away the answer, but I'll give it away in the next chapter, that , I'll explain

the next chapter is where I reveal what Emily did, now I made this the question so who ever gets the right answer, will get to either have an interview with me through WattPad, or get a dedication in the chapter AKA chapter 10, witch ever one of the 2 you want

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