6- Another Day

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Jordan's POV

No matter how happy I am it's gets ruined. I woke up to the worst possible noise for me to hear a loud banging on my door that was being caused by my dad probably. I'm surprised he just don't barge in. Keep in mind that I just woke up and I wasn't thinking when I said this "Shut up for Christ sakes there's no school." I just fucked up. "Fuck you just say to me." He yelled. I then realized what was going on and I jerked up opening the door really fast. "Yeah?"
"I'm gonna be gone for a few days I'm gonna go on a little business trip." He says using quotation hands. Business trip means he's gonna go to random places for a week or two to get even more shit faced which I don't give a fuck it's a vacation for me to be honest. I just say ok and he told me some random stuff like he left me 10 dollars and where I can get cheap food at and not to tell anyone he's gone. Like 10 dollars is gonna feed me for god knows how long.

I took a shower put on some shorts and a t-shirt then I went downstairs. I seen him with an ass load of bags as he just got in his truck and left. He never says anything before he leaves he never talks to me at all unless he's yelling at me which I don't care. I'm so happy I love it when he's leaves it gives me more freedom then I already have. I go to the big TV in the living room and put on some more music. Music is literally all I have that makes me feel something it's an escape from reality but anyways. I blast that shit as I walk around the house dancing as I do. I go to the kitchen and a couple slices of cheese and order a pizza.

Then I thought about her. I have her number now which makes me super happy. I wait for the pizza to warm up while I think of something to say to her. I don't want to sound stupid so I just type "It's Jordan just thought I'd text so you can have my number." She instantly texts back. "Hey did you get caught?" I reply no and she texts back "Ok good you didn't text back last night so I got worried." After that she asked me if we could meet tonight. I told her anytime of the day was good because my dad left for a while she said she's down and that was that. "So I guess we're meeting at my place." She says. "What about your parents?" "Oh there not home so yeah." I wouldn't care if she came over here but this place is kinda a shit hole so... idk.

About a couple hours later which it's 12:00 pm exactly I get ready to meet up with Harlee I put my jeans, Pink Floyd shirt and a pair of black checkered vans and and get ready to meet her halfway to her house at a shell gas station. Finally arrive and she's already there. I walk in and she says hi then we start to talk. "So what do we have planned for today?" I ask "idk as long as I'm with you." She says not thinking about it until we both blush. "I'm good with that." Then we laugh.

We walk around and she catches me staring at these Led strips. "You want those." "Yeah I have money to get them but there almost 40 dollars and that's ridiculous." I say " Well let's split out money and buy them." "No you don't have to do that I have a bunch of money from a job I'm working for but damn it's still a little pricey." She convinces me and we get them. We are walk out of the store and she starts to talk. "I can help you put them up I you want?" " To be honest my house looks like a druggy owns it and I don't want you walking into that." I laugh
"It's fine I don't care."

After walking towards my house she convinces me again to let her in. I warn her before hand as I open the door. "Shit it's not that bad." "Idk about it my dad just hates people over and yes I know he's gone but you never know what could happen." We walk up to my room and I run so I can pick some stuff up before she sees but there's no point she's right behind me. She just stops and looks at all my posters and clothes piled on the floor. "Stop it it's fine." She says because she can tell I'm trying to keep her out. She finally steps over the threshold and sits on my bed. She picks up my guitar. "You play?"
"Yeah but I don't know much."
"Play something."
"I cautiously pick my guitar up and does what she says."
I strum a chord and notice how she's just sitting there with the biggest smile on her face waiting I start to play something nervously and she stares into my eyes the whole time.
"God that was good I love people who can play guitar it's kinda a turn on." She says while she laughs. I just sit there in disbelief and laugh with her.

We get the lights up and test them out. I instantly set them to a deep blue/purple color to set the mood. We start to get in to deep conversation and then I hear a dreaded noise the front door just closed.

Sorry it's been awhile but who reads this anymore anyways?
Sorry it's kinda long and boring
It's about to get better a lot better
Hope you liked it
If your still read comment please

Sorry for any errors


Thanks for the reads🤍🤍

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