7- Not So Numb

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Jordan's POV

"Shit." I yell as I drop my guitar and pull Harlee up off of my bed. I know that my dad down there.
"What's wrong with you?" She ask kinda annoyed and worried at the same time. "Nothing just please get in here and stay until I get you and don't make a sound."
She just looked at me funny while I shove her in my closet slamming the door.
I just sit on a chair in my room and act like I'm drawing and then boom my door was sling wide open.
"Come here." My dad says while giving me a death stare.
I don't say anything and I follow him down stares.

We stop and stand there. "Where's that 10 dollars I gave you?" I reach in my pocket and give the money to him.
"This is only 5!" He yelled. "You told me to buy food with it so I bought a pizza that will last me for a few days."
"You already bought stuff there is food here."
"Dad I don't think some cheese and God knows what else is gonna feed me." I said in a joking manner.
Listen fat ass I know what I told you but I need this money but it's missing 5 dollars so your lucky I don't beat your ass right here right now because I have to get back on the road."
He know that I'm self conscious about my weight so he knows that he just hurt me.
Really cause you've been itching to do that since the day I was able to walk." I blindly whisper.
He turns from the fridge getting a huge bottle of vodka he forgot and a couple six packs and my eyes got so big.
"What did you say?"
"N- nothing I hope you have a good vacation."
"Just shut the fuck up." He grits
I just sit there in silence

I sit I see the 5 dollar bill he took from me on the floor. I decide to give it back to him and that's when things get rough.
"You trying to steal from me."
"No you dropped it I was trying to give it back to you."
"Bull shit your trying to take all my stuff and be a thief just like your mom." I walk away and I hear him stomping behind me.
"Your just trying to push me aren't you?!" He screams right in my face."
"Your just like her next thing you know your gonna get pregnant at 16 and the unlucky dad is gonna be stuck with a daughter he don't even want." He continued yelling.
I instantly knew he was talking about our life and I'm that daughter.
"Well if you don't want me then why don't you set me up for adoption? I would have a much better life then waiting here every day and night wondering if I'm gonna have to cover up the scars on my face or anywhere else you made!" I yelled not even realizing it.
"Do you even know how it feels to sit up and wonder if your even loved by the only relative you got left that don't even want anything to do with you like the rest of them? Or how about you don't even care if your loved or liked because your so numb and lost in your own reality trying to make things better and feel again?"
I have never spoken to my dad like that. The last time I did I had to stay out of school for awhile and he had to pick up my work because I was so badly beaten.

He could never stop and think about how I feel.
"Oh and if I wasn't here then you wouldn't have to come back and steal money from me."
That was it he grabbed a baseball bat from the door and put it to my neck while I was pushed against the wall.
"I do and don't know we lost everyone because we had you you weren't just an accident you were our worst mistake."
I can't even cry anymore I'm so numb.
"No your worst mistake was never getting to know and care for your daughter." I said as my breath was gone.
He kneed me in the stomach punched me. I feel to the ground when he got off of me. He then kicked me in the stomach. He threw a beer bottle right above my head at the wall and the glass came down and cut my face in a few places.
"Here keep your damn money!"
And with that he left.

I got up and realized Harlee was still in my closest after like 10 to 20 minutes of all that. I didn't want her to see me like this but I done want to leave her up there waiting and wondering. I slowly but surely went up the stairs. I got to my room and open the door slowly to see if she was still where I told her to stay. I just had to come up with something why I look like this. "Harlee you can come on out now."
Well it took you long enough what happened your not supposed to have girls over or something? This is some high school shit but for real what took you so....." she said in a laughing tone but as soon as she seen me she didn't even finish her sentence. "Oh my god what happened to you baby?!"

At that moment idk what happened but instantly I broke down into tears. She quickly held me in her arms and she brung us to the bed. I just sat beside her as we were both leaned against the wall. Once again she brought me closer to her and half of me was in her lap and the other half was on her chest. "Did you he do this to you" she asked. I started to speak by then she just whispered, "shhhh it's ok I know you don't have to explain. I'm so sorry." She started to stroke my back and for the first time in idk how long I felt like someone genuinely cared. "Wait when ever you said you in a fight was that him too." I looked up at her and nodded my head. I'm scared to let these feelings in. I hate most people like some and it's rare for me to love. I've created this life for myself where I don't let people in but idk maybe that can't be effected by one person.

After a good 15 minute cry I got up and felt so embarrassed. I just turned away and acted like I was admiring the lights we put up. "Hey it's ok." She says softly.
"No it's not I don't want you to feel like you have to try to make me feel better I'm sorry you had to see this. You just met me a few days ago and I'm already weighing you down with my fucking problems."
"Listen I know it's crazy but your not bothering me don't say that. We all have problems and I know I just met you but I care about you." She said as she looked straight at me.

She takes me to the bathroom by the hand and ask, "you got anything to fix this with." She ask referring to what happened with me and my dad. "Yeah but I'm fine." She looked under the sink and found some bandages, peroxide ,and a wash cloth. She cleans my face up and that's that. We got back to my room. "Again I'm so so sor..." "Don't apologize I'm here for you no matter what like I said I like you a lot and I can't wait till we got to know each other even more." She said while she cups my face and looks me dead in the eye. I like this girl a lot to we just have a connection similar backgrounds etc. my heart was racing out of my chest but you only live once and she's probably gonna leave after this so.... I close my eyes and lean forward but the thing is she met me half way. When her lips touched mine my heart didn't race anymore.

We were just there... kissing with soft music in the background with the room a deep blue color. She pulled back and looked at me with a look that made me nervous as hell.

Sorry if it's trash
I just finished this in my AG class
Hope you like

Sorry for any errors I will fix them later


Thanks for the reads or the 1 read I appreciate it.😂💖😏

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