Shinsous tragic backstory well parts of it

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Shinsou P.O.V ( their wont be many of these till later in the story BTW)
⚠️ Trigger Warnings. Child Abuse + Bullying + Smoking (not graphic ) ⚠️
I just got moved to a new foster home they seemed nice until my caseworker left but isn't that always the case. The first thing they did was set some rules.
———————RULES OF THE HOUSE ———————
- no asking questions
- don't be seen
- be home by 8 pm
- don't take food
- if you ask a question the muzzle will be used

This wasn't anything new to me. These rules have been used on me before. So I just put up with them. I had a part time job that I used for my coffee money which was the only thing keeping me alive by this point in time. It really was a crappy afternoon job working for a few hours after school at the convenience store. I still made it home before curfew most nights. On the nights that I made home even a few minutes after 8 I would be locked out so I took to the roofs. It's quite calming just stilling on the roof at night.
One night their was this guy who came and sat with me. I don't know him but like we vibe with each other and sometimes we sit on the roof together. He's about a year or two older than me and was the one who introduced me to vaping. I know it's a bad habit but it feels so good just letting go and letting the drugs calm me down. I don't vape every day just when life becomes a little to hard to cope with. He somehow always knows when I need more pods and brings them to me or leaves them somewhere for me to find. Kinda creepy but like at least I know someone is watching out for me.
Sometimes they went to far and I had marks on my face for weeks from the muzzle not that anyone cared. The people at school just laugh and say that it's what I deserve. I see some people look at me with pity but they still do nothing. They just watch.

[time skip]
I tried out for U.A's General Department because I knew their was no way I would get into the hero course but at least I could try to transfer in. It probably won't work but at least I'm trying. We got our results back today. I made it but y do I fell so sad about it? I mean this is what I wanted right? No it's not who am I kidding all I wanted was to be a hero but my dreams look like their way out of my reach.

I decided to go to a nearby car cafe to take my mind off of everything that happened today. I order my normal triple shot of espresso cold brew and an hour with the cats. I've been here so often the cats just immediately come over to me. After I spend my time with the cats I fed a little bit better but still I decided to take a walk around. Around an hour later I check my phone to see what time it is. FUCK! It's almost 8 I won't have enough time to make it home so instead I walk to one of the abandoned buildings around 30 minutes from my house. I'm glad I put my vape in my pocket as a precaution for getting locked out of the house. Tonight was kinda different tho. Well not really that different I still sat on the top of the building. I still vaped. I still thought about life.
"Hey kid what r u doing on the roof." A guy says just as I was letting out another puff of smoke. "I turn around to just see like a blurry figure but that might be partly because I'm high so I can't really judge. I do a quick check to make sure I have nothing identifying on me. My hair is covered with. My hoodie is shading my eyes so they can't been seen. I learn a lot when your out on the streets a lot at night. You learn to always stay hidden not to show all ur cards and to never get caught. So I stick by my rules.
"I'm sitting here what does it look like." I reply to the blurry man. "Well kid can u step away from the edge for me." He asks. Oh he thinks I'm gonna jump not like I haven't thought about it before but it's not gonna happen today. "Whatever dude." I reply as I walk away from the edge of the roof. "I'm heading home now." I pick up my skateboard I found and refinished the other week and backpack and descended the fire escape. "Peace out weirdo." I yell as I skate down the street.
Aizawa's P.O.V
I don't know why I felt a connection to the kid on the roof but I did. I pushed thoughts fo them away and kept moving on. I wonder if he'll be ok ?

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