First Day of School

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Katsuki P.O.V 

It was my first day at U.A. I was early like always I try to make it a point to come early to all my classes. So i don't have to interact with many people and i can get the seat i want first. I end up sitting in the front of the class by the window. i put in my headphones and try to tune out the noise of others. 

" My name is Iida Tenya and i went to Soumei Junior High School. " he said "Can you please take your feet of the desk sir, That is very disrespectful to the other pro hero's who have sat in that desk." 

" Tell me does it look like i give a fuck,  four eyes. " i say 

"no bu-" he started to say.  

" It doesn't? I didn't think so." 

I tuned him out as more people walked in. 

"Hi , Kacchan. " izuku says as he walks in. 

" DEKU !? HOW THE FUCK DID YOU GET IN HERE YOU DAMN NERD ? I yell as he walks and gets stopped by four eyes and round face. 

He just starts talking with four eyes and round face. Before going to sit in his seat behind me. 

" It took you all eighth minutes to quiet down." A hobo looking man in yellow sleeping bag says. "I am your homeroom teacher and pro hero Eraserhead but, you all will call me Aizawa sensei. Now go put these on.'" He says as he throws a pile of gym uniforms on the table. 

[mini time skip]

We will be doing a quirk assessment. "Bakugou how far could you throw a ball in middle school? Aizawa asked me 

"I don't know, around 60 feet. " I answer. 

" For all the next test you will be using your quirk. " aizawa says

" But sir , what about the orientation? " round cheeks asks. 

" We're not going to orientation. " he answers in a monotone voice. 

" sounds like fun!" Pinky exclaims. 

I give a thinly flinch veiled since at what she says, that's not gonna go over well with Aizawa. 

"Fun. You think being a hero is all fun and game. " he says with thinly concealed anger. " Well now the person in last place will be expelled. " 

I fucking called it. 

So we did the tests and deku broke his fingers during the ball throw. I placed third after Todoroki and Momo. Some of the test we the ball throw , long jump, side stop , push ups , and some others. 

After we go to the classroom all i could think was he had quirk all along. He didn't use it to save me from the sludge villain. he did use it was i not worth it, Did i not matter enough for him to use his quirk. does he really look down on me that much. Does he hate me that much. Is him coming to ua a way for him to rub it into my face that he has a quirk to get into ua but he wont use it to help me hell just let me die. I probably deserve to die. I should die.  I told him to die i should as well. 

No don't think like that you went to  to U.A become a hero and you will become one. don't let these thoughts control you i told myself. You doing great just keep going karma is waiting for you at home. Say alive even if it only for karma. 

I trudged through the rest of the day half paying attention to whet was going n around me and half zoned out. I went straight home after school and deiced to take a nap with karma to calm myself down. i defiantly felt more calm when i was around karma and i was able to let my anxiety go and just relax. It as a pretty shitty first day of school but hopefully tomorrow will be better. 


Hello everyone sorry for not posting earlier but i'm back now. Ill be posing another chapter soon so stay posted. Anyways i hope every one is healthy and safe if you need to my dms are always open if you want to ask me a question or if you just want to talk. 

Lots of love Queenie ❤️

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