Surprise, Surprise

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Wendy POV

It was still quiet by the time I reached my assigned Home Room, only a few individuals quietly sitting on their chosen desks. The teacher wasn't here, probably still in the staff room having a coffee with her coworkers. Practically everyone who attended the parent/teacher meeting knew Ms. Lee and what she was like. Unfortunate for me, I couldn't meet with her beforehand as I already had something planned for that night and, me being me, the conference slipped out of my thick skull. Knowing I'm going to get a surprise, I hoped it wasn't going to be a nasty one.

There was no one running down the hallway screaming "I LUV HENTAI!", so it was already pretty clear that no one would be bothering me for a little bit. I took a step forward into the classroom, stopping at the front of the class. One or two people perked up, none of them I recognized, but no one gave me a second glance. I decided to sit on one of the chairs on a table, mainly because it was the only one available without people, as I didn't want to bother anyone in discomfort.

Taking a brief moment to look around, I saw the room wasn't as boring as they describe it in movies. It really never is. There was a soft glare coming out from the windows facing the east, opposite the door, in the classroom. Inhaling as much light as possible, the walls were trapped with laminated posters, rule-sheets, and a big world map that took up the back space of the classroom. There was a flat-screen T.V off to the side in front of the whiteboard behind the teacher's desk.

Decoration that looked like it was a D.I.Y was hanging from the ceiling among letters spelling "Room 36", and the ceiling tiles were colorfully painted, mosaic-style. The ground was carpeted with a bright matted rug that looked like a Kakapo bird ready to strike if you looked from a birds' eye view. Being scattered with chairs and tables around the room, the floor was filled with liveliness, bookshelves, and excessive tools and equipment. The seats and desks were also very vibrant and randomly scattered around giving off a more peaceful and homey vibe.

This was an attractive classroom and I wondered if every class was like this, although I wouldn't complain if they aren't, it'll just mean special treatment for me. I inwardly smiled as I was already starting to get a good feeling about this year already.

I took my bag of my white sweater, letting it drop to my converse shoes and took out all my books and started piling them up on the table. We had English, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, and Physical Education, along with some other opt-able subjects in the areas; The Arts, Technology, and Languages.

I was a fairly organised student, most of the time, and I nearly never get in trouble, so you'd expect me to be doing everything beforehand, stressed like a mad-man. Which if you do, you're most definitely right. I would say the cringe phrase literally everyone uses "Oh, me? No, no, no. I'm not like other girls, I'm different". But, I'm a hundred percent sure every girl in my position was, like a madman, stressed out before starting.

People started filling in, one by one, each table and seat, as I was setting up my day-pack for the day. Some of them recognized others already there, and some of them I recognized, knowing they came from my previous school. By the time it was 8:20, most people had came in, and the classroom was getting a live feeling already. Two students entered the classroom and I immediately recall them being my friends in my inner circle.

"Naomi, Ailiya!" I jumped out of my seat, excited to see my best friends here and hugged them both tightly. It was good to feel their familiar presence around again. I wouldn't have the need to struggle to make new friends this year. I took a mental sigh of relief

"Wendy!" Naomi released her shriek of surprise. Both seemed shocked to see me here especially because usually we would have contacts but, my phone broke during the holidays, and neither of them had any other way of communicating with me on a desktop. It was literal torture.

"I'm so glad to see you guys here." I continued. "I was worried for days! We have so much to catch up on." I began chatting so violently, that even a Karen that got pepper sprayed would respect me.

"I thought you died, dude." Said Ailiya, shutting her eyes and putting a hand on my shoulder. "Yeah, I couldn't really update you on that stuff..." I replied, sheepishly scratching my head. I look away, lost in my own thoughts, as suddenly, I choke at the one-millionth surprise.

At the door, The God walks in the classroom.(I didn't know his name, so I just called him The God in my head) My classroom! He was, I repeat, in my classroom! I instantly lose another 10 years of my life as he locked eyes with me. I thought I was in heaven when he gave me that smile, because I nearly died.

The God started walking over to me...

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