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Wendy POV

The tour took us to classes that I'll frequently be going to like art, science, tech, etc. There was also a massive library next to the school hall, which was my favorite place. It was like the ones in movies, bookshelves upon bookshelves piling to the ceiling. The athletics track was where we were going to do our P.E and I also found out that the other classes were not as decorated as our homeroom. It was because ours was a specialist classroom for people that are having trouble with school, so they needed a bright classroom to help it out.

After finishing the tour, it took us to lunch break where we ate in the cafeteria. Charlotte found her friend, Fifi, who was touring Ailiya. I had seen Naomi getting toured around by a blonde person named Zara.

"Hey, would you like to sit with us today?" Charlotte asked. Ailiya and I were walking with our buddies, who were supposed to stay with us the whole day, down to the cafeteria.

"We have a few other people waiting for us too." Fifi added. I had already noted that she was really popular, because literally every person she walked by knew her. But the cool thing was that she wasn't even cocky much.

I glanced at Ailiya, seeing that she was quite fond of her buddy, I nodded my head and said, "Sure, we'd love to."

The cafeteria was crowded, but Fifi and Charlotte found their mates pretty quickly. I was sitting down with Ailiya, as Charlotte introduced everyone. "Hey peeps. This is Wendy and Ailiya. They're new, so be nice to them." She nodded. "Wendy, Ailiya, this is everyone. There's Lillian, Zara, Kyle, Josiah, Harvey, Elias, Jason, you already know Naomi," Naomi smiled at us, from her seat, next to Zara. "And Harry."

I looked around, shocked to see Harry in his seat next to Harvey, which was, in coincidence, my brother.


After lunch we had to go to our homeroom and surprisingly I noticed that a lot of people in our class I'd already met. They planned on going to the cinemas on the weekend and asked if Naomi, Ailiya and I wanted to join. I said yes.

I know it's a whole group going, but going out with Harry sounded like a dream. I wonder if we'll have some alone time. Ugh, who am I kiddingI don't know him at all. He doesn't know me at all. Let alone knowing I have a ... a crush on hi- No, no no, no. I just met the guy. I again hit myself mentally on my back. What if he's not nice. What if he'll bully me. You can't judge a book by it's cover. Even if it is a good-looking cover.

We had a free period for the rest of the day, so we met up with Fifi and Charlotte's group again. We decided on playing a fun game.spin the bott- just kidding. We settled on a game of Man Hunt, except that there's a twist. Once you get found, You have to find a buddy and either hide where they are hiding with them or tag them so they're in as well. If you decide to hide with them, then you're not in. And if you get found again, you're out.

Jason and Zara were in and started counting. We could hide anywhere, in the school, but I didn't really know where to hide or go. It seemed 20 seconds after I left I completely had no idea where I was. I decided to go inside one of the school buildings to hide. Instead of our school being in one huge building, there were blocks and buildings mostly separated by the outdoors and Quad area.

I hadn't been inside here, before, but it had a nice setup. Artwork ran along the walls and the door frames had been painted uniquely. There seemed to only be one class, a pair of toilets and a janitor's closet in this block. There wasn't anyone else around which was good, because I decided to hide in the janitor's closet. It was a cunning yet stupid idea. If I get caught on my first day, My parents will kill me if I get called in today. But on the bright side I might not get caught.

I waited and waited. I checked my watch. 2:15 pm. It's been 20 minutes now. I sigh. Maybe this was too good of a hiding spot. They probably forgot about me. Just as I was about to open the door, I got smacked against a wall. Or, more properly a chest. I fell back, and rubbed my head to see who opened the door.

"Oh, sorry, didn't mean to hurt you." I recognized that voice. My eyes widen.

It was, unmistakably, Harry.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, still on the floor. He gave me his hand to help me up. I felt electric shocks sparking again as I took it.

"I got tagged, and I've been trying to look for someone." He gestured around the closet. "Guess I found you. Sorry again for smacking you."

I realized I was still holding his hand, not wanting to let go. Unfortunately, as my body screamed in agony, I let go and dropped mine to the side. "It's fine. Really no biggie."

He smirked. "Now that I've found you, I think I've got to stick with you." He stepped inside and closed the door again. It was completely dark, but I was grateful for it, because I knew I was as red as a tomato, considering how close we are. His chest brushed mine, and his knees grazed my legs.

"But, I've got to be honest. You've got a killer hiding spot.No one would look in here." He said. I smiled, even though he couldn't see it, and nodded a thanks.

"So..." I broke the comfortable silence. "Is this your first time as well?" He looked at me and shrugged.

"Yeah, actually. Don't think I've hid in a janitor's closet with a girl before." He said, making me giggle.

"You know what I mean!" I was asking him about whether he's a freshman or sophomore. He probably did that on purpose.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm a freshman, like you." He nodded enough so I could notice it. "But, then again, you don't always find people hiding in a janitor's closet." I rolled my eyes, wishing he could hear me roll them.

He suddenly leaned his face next to mine, his breath warm against my ear. My heart was pounding so loud I swear he could hear it. I tensed up and held my breath as he whispered.

"Especially not two people, alone. Like you and I." His voice was husky and deep. He moved closer and closer until I was pressed against his body, still as a shadow. We stayed like that for who knows how long (It felt like hours) when he finally pulled back.

I visibly relaxed, but my heart was still going 200km/h. The lust of the moment decreasing rapidly.

Harry turned towards the door, now we weren't touching at all. "Do you think they forgot about us?"

Not trusting my voice, I just nodded.

"Well I'm going out. Wanna come?" He asked me.

I clear my throat. "Yeah, we should go before they start worrying."

I push open the door and walk outside, feeling the fresh air hit me, cooling me down. Harry being a few paces behind me, caught up to me so we were walking side by side.


We met up where we took off and I realized we were the only people that were left. I blushed as people started saying a thing or two about me and Harry hiding together, but eventually I regained my dignity.

"I bet you wouldn't have been able to find us if we hadn't come out." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Of course we wouldn't have." Fifi said sarcastically. "No, no. I think the couple deserve an applause."


We had another round this time, Harry and I being in, but after that I didn't seem at all. They bell ringed indicating the end of school, and I packed my bag and walked with Naomi and Ailiya.

I knew they wanted to say something about me and Harry hiding together, but held themselves back as they chatted about other things.

I finally reached home, and waved goodbye to them. I sighed as I reached my bedroom, after notifying with my parents. I lay down on my bed and thought what a good start this was.

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