Tutoring Lesson

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Wendy POV

How did I get here?

I wonder pointlessly.

Currently It's a Saturday evening, I'm in my room. Harry Woods is in the room with me.

When I got the sheet of paper, I was stunned. I remember promising that I wouldn't involve myself with him, but, I guess fate had other plans. I mentally groan, and sign. Why did this always happen to me? To make it worse, we were alone in the house since my parents had chosen this exact day to go to my aunt's wedding. I didn't have intention of going before, as I know, there would be waterfalls of tears.

Just great.

"If you keep sighing like that, you're going to lose your breath." Harry mutters. I roll my eyes at him.

"Where were we?" I take the science book out of his hands.

Fortunately, Harry wasn't a bad student. In fact all he needed was to catch up on the previous week's work, since he wasn't here. Why is it good, you ask? Well, I hate to admit it, but I had done and revised all scenarios of what could or might happen if my parents found out I had smooched the kid. If they do, in case, find out, then I had planned what I would do. I would punch myself. I might even punch him...

"Page 23" I handed him the book back and we started going through the questions.

Five minutes into 'tutoring' I search my head, desperate for anything to focus on other than the male in front of me. A beautiful male may I add. What? No no no. He's not at all good-looking. And I definitely don't like him. Not the way his dark hair falls over his, if not more, deep, immensing eyes. Or how his eyebrows furrow and his lips pout in concentration, adorably. Nope. Not one little bit.

"You're going to catch flies, Wendy." I quickly look away. Damn. How could I let myself slip and be caught staring?

"I wasn't staring..." I mumble and fold my arms.

"You're cute when you frown." He murmurs. Suddenly he looks up from his workbook. He met his eyes with mine and all the air came out of me. We were sitting so close, I could see the little details of his iris. The warm brown was speckled with light bits of amber and beige. His pupil was so big, it was like there was no color, but lust. In the sun, it looked even more delicate, like art.

It felt like forever we were looking at each other.

Only for him to break the contact and flicker his to my lips.

No. Not this again. I looked down at my feet, blushing like crazy, as he turned back around to his workbook. I cleared my throat.

"Need any help with that?" I ask. Harry shakes his head.

"No, I'm good."

Nodding, I stand up. "I'm going downstairs. Do you want anything?"

Once again, he shakes his head. "No thanks."

I stay standing there for a bit, but he doesn't say more, so I walk out of the room.

Taking the stairs slowly, I make my way down to the kitchen and open the freezer. I get a coke out for him anyway. I got a Red bull for myself. I thought I might as well heat the pasta up. I prop my elbows onto the counter and stretch my legs out. The hmm of the microwave was at the back of my head as all other things piled in, instead.

I wonder what my parents would think. I mean, they left their own daughter home alone in the house with a boy. I still don't know how Harry feels about me. He probably doesn't want to be around me at all. I, for one, don't know what I feel about this boy, either. What relationship do we have? Am I his friend? Or are we strangers? Just because my friends are his friends doesn't mean we are too.

I feel an unheard tug at my heart, but couldn't quite describe it.


I remember why I'd agreed to this. The tutoring lesson. I mean you're probably thinking if I didn't want to, I should have changed, but there was some unknown force that didn't let me. Something about him that made me feel this way.

After three long hours of work, Harry finally made his way downstairs at the door. I walked him to it.

"Hey, I really appreciate you doing this for me. Couldn't have done it without you." He thanks me.

I nod. "Yeah, sure. No problem."

He moves towards the door before hesitating and stopping. He turns back around and looks at me.

"Wendy," My heart leaps at him saying my name. "I just want to let you know that I'm still thinking and sorry about that night."

He didn't have to point it out to me. I know what he's talking about.

"Maybe it should be better if we start over."

I look at him with a grim expression. Then, my lips tug at the end, making me smile. "I would love that." I say.

He smiles back and then thinks for a moment. "To make it up to you," He smirked. "I'll get you coffee tomorrow. Meet me at the one just down the road. 10am, sharp."

I move towards him to lead him outside. It was getting late, but I could still see the sun-setting. "Sure, I'll be there. See ya."

Harry looked like he wanted to say something else, but he fair-welled me as well. I watch him turn around and walk back. Closing the door and smiling like an idiot, I practically hop up the stairs into my room and lay flat on my bed.

I felt full.

I suddenly let my grin drop, and sit up, realizing,

Harry Woods just asked me out on a date and I said yes.

Weeha, a Wendy and Harry story.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora