A chill movie, or not?

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Wendy POV

The busy week of starting the year, finally led to Saturday, the day I'd be going out with my friends. We'd exchanged numbers the day before, and I knew who to call just in case an emergency.

It was 11 o'clock right now and I decided on wearing a white sweater with black jeans, and a pair of black boot -heels to top it off. I had a small, black, designer bag slung over my shoulder.

As I was getting ready, I heard my phone ring.

"Hello?" I walked over to pick it up and answered. On the other side I heard a familiar voice. "Hey, "Charlotte's voice responded. ", just giving you a heads-up, we're aren't going to the cinema."

"What do you mean?" I said confused. "Why aren't we going to the cinemas? Is it cancelled?"

Charlotte told me how they were just fixing repairs and no movies were going to be played today, but we were going to rearrange the plan and watch the movies at Fifi's house.

"Okay," Nodding a thanks I hung up."


I was in front of Ailiya's house, knocking on her door. Mrs. Javac opened the door and invited me in. I climbed up the stairs to her bedroom and barged in (without knocking, might I say) with her sitting on her bed.

She jumped and looked up from her phone. "Does the word 'manners' mean anything to you?"

"Come on!" I said grabbing her hand and running out of the room. Ailiya shouted a quick goodbye to her mum, and leaped out the front door.


"So, the cinema thing got cancelled and we're going to Fifi's house, now?" Ailiya asked. I had updated her on the plans and she seemed content. "Do you know where she lives?"

I nod. "Harvey had been there sometimes, and my mum and I had to drop him off one day, so..." We arrived at Naomi's home, and I knocked at her door.

"Hey, girls." Mr. Zanders opened the door. "You must be here for Naomi." He called out to her. "She'll just be a second." He smiled at us and walked away.

Naomi came rushing down the corridor, phone in hand, and greeted us. "Let's go."


We had arrived at Fifi's house. And knocking for the umpteenth time, I thought I'd be done with it and just drive a car into the wall, but we were all here.

Fifi's house was nice, it had a wide green garden at the front and a pebble walkway leading to the large metal door. It's layering of levels had a nice cosy hint to it and her tinted windows provided a presence of security.

Inside, Fifi and Charlotte were sitting on the bar stool chairs against the slab, and the boys, Jason, Kyle, Elias Josiah, and Harry were seated on the couch and beanbags. There were drinks (Juice and fizzy drinks, we're only children) and snacks out as well. Popcorn was also at the ready.

"Hey!" Charlotte shouted as she saw me. "Wendy, Naomi, Ailiya! Good to see you're here." She gestured towards the couched people. "Not many came. Come, have a seat!"


The movie we put on was a classic New Zealand Comedy, Hunt for the Wilderpeople. It helped lighten up the mood and was very amusing. It really did show people's outer image. Jason, for one, couldn't stop laughing, he had to take a time out, because he chucked when Ricky's foster mum died. Though I wouldn't blame him, even that bit was kind of witty.

At the end, when the movie finished, it was only 2pm, so we decided to play a game.

"I vote spin the bottle!" Fifi shouted, smirking at a lot of potential ships and giving a look to Charlotte which I noticed and would ask her about it later.

"What?" Jason whined. "But there's girls and boys here!"

Fifi rolled her eyes. "Yeah, that's the points. Besides, what else do you have?" She gave a 'See?' look when no one had other ideas.

We sat in a circle, and the positions were; me, Jason, Fifi, Kyle, Charlotte, Josiah, Ailiya, Harry, Naomi and Elias. It was girl, boy, girl, boy.

"I'll go first!" Ailiya surprised me by her confidence, and spinned the bottle. The bottle spinned in the pin-drop silence, lasting forever, until finally it landed...

Back on her!

We all chuckled some out of relief, some out of the coincidence of that happening, but none-the-less continued.

The next few turns consisted of people continuously spinning. The kisses were mostly on the cheek or other body-part, excluding the lips, until it was Josiah's turn and it landed on Charlotte. Fifi let out a squeal of delight when they pecked each other on the lips, with Charlotte all but exploding and everyone cheering. So they had a thing, I guess?

On the next spin (an awkward one I might say) I got up, saying I had to go to the restroom. Fifi pointed me to the one down the hallway, last one on the right.

After I did my business, I opened the door, but stopped when I saw a shadow, in the room next to me. Closing the toilet light, I took a step forward, my curiosity getting the better of me, and entered the dim-lighted room.

I reached up to brush my hair out of my eyes, when suddenly, strong arms, pushed me down onto the bed (good thing there was one) and pinned me against their body. I could feel their breath on my neck, as they dipped down, deeper and deeper, only an inch away from it.

"What are you doing here?" I froze as I heard the voice. I knew it.

My own, still dead, I didn't dare speak, knowing it'll crack. The position we were in was deliberately tense; his knees were on either side of me, pressing my hips in and my chest was brushing his.

"It's a shame you left before your turn." Harry whispered.

I had fireworks going off inside me, and my breathing pattern was, like his, disorientated. I held my breath in and breathed out. "What do you mean?" I asked gritting my teeth as I did.

"It's fine." He dipped down even lower, and when he talked his lips swept over mine. "'Cause I can do it now."

Finally, crashing his lips into mine, I got chills going down my spine, and a burning sensation in my chest.

He gripped my shoulders tighter, as I let my hands travel up to his hair. The kiss had a sweet and long last, but at the same time, it was as if we could only breathe inside each other. Breaking apart, I panted as he did, and looked up confused.

"Why'd you do that?" Out of breath, my voice sounded tiny and shrunk. I was so flustered. What had just happened?

Just as he was about to answer, the lights came on, and my burning face got revealed into the open.

Weeha, a Wendy and Harry story.Where stories live. Discover now