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Wendy POV

"Hey, you guys were taking forever, I was wondering if you were still d-"

Fifi stilled as she saw the scene in front of her. I quickly pushed Harry off me getting up and straightening myself.

"I- uhh, w-we were just..."

I stammered, trying to explain and collect myself. Fifi's face was the absolute opposite of innocent, as she came closer.

"What were you guys doing?" She folded her arms like an inspector and smirked. "You weren't-" Suddenly, she gasped. "OMG! Were you two-"

"No!" I yelled, interrupting her from saying the very known and unwanted words. Harry coughed in the background. I cleared my throat. "No, it wasn't like that at all, Fifi . Trust me..."

I looked at Harry for some backup, but he gave me a 'I don't know' as he got up himself.

After long eternal seconds, Fifi waved her hands in front of her out of exasperation . "You know what? I don't want to know what was happening between you and him." She said that while pointing at me and Harry.

She looked at us, one by one. I gave her a pleading look as we locked eyes. Fifi let her hands drop. "Listen I was just getting you guys to come down for pizza, but since you're busy..."

"No," I gestured to myself and Harry. "No, we're coming right down."

I don't know if it was me, or Fifi really did have a troubled look on her face. It wasn't anger or disgust, more like... concern.

She left the room as abruptly as she came and me and Harry to our own. The air didn't die down any less.

I looked over at him, his hair was ruffled and tangled, while his shirt was creased. He didn't look decent and I don't think I looked any better.

"We should probably go join the others."He scratched the back of his head. I move away and start towards the door.

"Wait!" I felt a hand on my shoulder, Harry's voice stopping me. He turned me around to face him. "I shouldn't have done that. I'm so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. I couldn't ev-"

I shrug his hand off. "It's fine. I'm the one who should be sorry. I didn't mean to walk in on you like that."

Giving him a sly smile, I opened the door and made my way out. This time he didn't stop me.


I was in bed, the wool blanket tugging my body, as I was aboard the train of my thoughts.

When I had joined Fifi and the others, we played another round of spin the bottle, but nothing extreme happened. I didn't look Harry or Fifi in the eyes, and mostly kept to myself. I noticed Naomi and Ailiya giving me looks, but I ignored them. We had pizza, which made me happy since I love it, along with drinks. When it was time to leave, I gave Fifi my thanks and she told me to be safe. Harry couldn't look at me once. I didn't blame him. Even I wasn't ready to face him.

Rolling around and rustling in my bed, I could barely catch a wink of sleep that night.

Harry Pov

At times like this, all I could do was wish my fate-struck worries away.

I was a total jerk tonight and I knew it. I couldn't think of anything but her. I wasn't sure I was going to recover from how ashamed I was. She had probably never kissed a dude in her life. And here I go, stealing her first. Ugh.

I groaned and pulled my duvet sheets over my head, hoping they could just swallow me into internal darkness.

I don't know what it was about her. I've never done anything like this before. But everything about her made something inside me stir. Every time she smiled, or laughed, or even when she looked embarrassed, she was... well, more than anything, beautiful and cute.

I pulled the sheets down, off my head and sighed into the cool night air the ajar window was handing me.

I swear she's going to be the end of me.

Wendy Stewart, what have you done to me?


Wendy POV

After the weekend, real school began. I mean the one where you get a tonne of work and homework from ten teachers at once, them not making it easier by setting the due-date at the end of each week. Man, I enjoyed the days I did absolutely nothing. So simple.

Ms. Lee, however, encouraged us to start everyday with positivity. She said, and I quote;

"Life's not going to take you anywhere. You've got to drag yourselves up hardship-hill, just like everyone else. Just like how I did, and still am doing. In fact, I don't want to be here any less than you do. So suck it up!"

I did have a few classes with Naomi, Ailiya, and with the others, but the last time I had seen Harry was at the party.

Wait a second. Why do I even care if I haven't seen him? It's not like I want to be clingy, just curious, right? He probably hasn't thought about me at all. Whatever, I don't care.

I was saying all this, but I knew deep down, I was more than just curious.

"Wendy!" Charlotte comes rushing, catching up to me.

"Hey." I say. She walks beside me and grins.

"What's up? I haven't seen you in ages!"

I bring her up to date about everything as we walk between the large trees on the school ground, the sun gleaming off the windows.

"I'm deciding to sign up for the Peer Support Club." I told Charlotte about the poster I saw this morning about clubs.

I mainly wanted to join to get academic recognition, and a better status on my levels, but who knows, it might be fun. People who were interested had to go to the meeting in the teacher's (whoever was organizing it) office.

I'd have to help ill mannered and educationally falling behind students. To put it simply, I had tutor or give hand to troublemakers.

I left Charlotte just as the bell rang and went to the issued building.

I remember I'd been in here before once. The Manhunt game. I realized this was the building I hid in. I looked at the janitors' closet, guilt-struck, when I walked towards the office door.

Inside, there were already people here, talking or writing something down,and surprisingly most of them were much older than me. It's odd because I thought more people my year would have liked to join clubs and stuff as soon as the year started.

A girl with a leather jacket and straight dark hair came up to me. "You must be Wendy, the new girl."

She grinned at me and held out her hand. "I'm Shyla, the leader of the Peer Support committee."

I took her hand in mine and gave her a small smile. She explained what we had to do when we had a case. I recall she said a case was someone that's been on the bad list for a long time. "We get a buddy to help out pretty often. But most of the time it's really just helping them catch up to their studies."

I nodded. Seemed simple enough.

"So when you're ready, you can follow me and I can sign you up for a new case."

Shyla led me to a clipboard at the teacher's desk where all the names of the cases were next to a Peer Support kid.

She put my name at the bottom, moving away when she was done so I could have a look at who I had.

My eyes widen.

"Looks like you got Harry Woods."

Weeha, a Wendy and Harry story.Where stories live. Discover now