Chapter 38

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Angie's POV:

We went back inside the palace and we met Hürrem on the way which gave me a good idea.

- Vilu... Why don't you go and see the little princes with Hürrem while I take your Dad to someone that he needs to talk to? - I said.

German seemed scared, Vilu confused, but she agreed and she left with Hürrem while I lead German to the other side of the palace: Where Jeremias' room was.

When we arrived there I turned to him....

- You stay here...

He just nodded while I knocked on the door and I heard Jeremias' voice...

- Come in!

I walked in and he jumped up right away and came to help me.

- Angie... Shouldn't you still rest now?

- I'm perfectly fine now, don't worry - I smiled at him - That witch can't kill me, or make me weak for a long time!

- That's good - he smiled too.

- But now... I got someone with me... Someone that you need to talk...

He looked confused while I went out to call German in.

German took a deep breath before coming into the room too and they both froze for long minutes and just stared at each other and after a while Jeremias spoke up first.

- German...

- Jeremias...

- Long time no see... Brother... - German said and he smiled slightly.

- Yeah... But you were the one not answering my letters... - Jeremias muttered as he looked down - I wanted us to be great brothers... But you started hating me...

- I know... - German muttered, also looking down - But...

Both me and Jeremias stared at him.

- But... - he started again - But I regret it... I regret everything... What I said before you left... And that I haven't talked to you... So... If you want it too... We can be good friends... Brothers again...

German now looked up at his brother who was trying to hold back his tears of happiness.

- I'd love to... - he finally said.

They both looked at each other then they hugged each other tightly.

I couldn't help, but tear up as well as I've never seen German crying before and Jeremias either. They both were so happy to see each other and finally made up...

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