Man of the Future - Episode 9

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James and Isabella are on their first date together. As Isabella stated that it doesn't have to be any fancy restaurant; they stopped by at the nearest McDonald's! "I don't know much about your personal life." Isabella says, intending to start a conversation. One of which James doesn't want to start. "There isn't much to know." He replies at an attempt for her to not talk about his past. "Oh, come on! This is a date and a start to a slight possibility for us to have a relationship together. We need to talk about this stuff." Isabella explains to him. "I was born in 1983. My mother, Mary Smith; maiden name: Baker and father, Donald Smith. Graduated from Oxford University in 2005 and joined Torchwood in 2010, just last year when Archie found me. I've had one girlfriend, prior to you, at uni: Lucy. It didn't work out. You?" James answers thoroughly, telling her his life story. "There didn't have to be that much information, but I think I got enough." Isabella replies and takes a sip from her beverage.

Gwen and Rhys return home (finally!) and Gwen's mother (Mary) answers. "What's happened? Where've you two been?" Mary quizzes the pair as they enter. "Long, long story. To simplify it, basically some people had attacked us, but we were lucky enough to get them and escape. Andy was shot, which is why we've been away. He's at the hospital right now." Gwen explains everything to her. "Has Anwen been alright?" Rhys questions her. "Yeah, she's asleep upstairs." Mary answers. "Thanks. I suppose we should go see her, eh Gwen?" Rhys says to her, implying that she hardly sees her lately and they go upstairs.

After their date, James goes back to his apartment and is followed by Isabella, whom of which may now be his girlfriend. "Are you going to keep stalking me?" James questions her as he reaches the building. "Oh, yes! I won't stop; we're together now." She replies to him. "I see. So is this official? Are we a... couple?" James ponders as the two of them go the upstairs. "I should certainly hope so. Why? Does this trouble you?" Isabella questions her 'boyfriend', worried that he might not want to commit to this relationship. "No, no. I'm just a bit new to all this. My previous girlfriend was, er... doesn't matter." He replies and suddenly his phone rings. "What was it?" Isabella asks him about Lucy. James ignores her and answers his phone. "Hello?" He answers. "James, it's Sophie. We've, or well... I've found this sort of alien equipment. It was just in the base, could you get over here and check it out. I'll phone Isabella as well." Sophie explains to him. "No need: she's here with me. Couldn't this arrangement occur the following day. I'm rather tired." James replies and enters his apartment, with Isabella following him. "Sure. As long as you check it out." Sophie says and James closes his door. "Okay, bye."James says and puts the phone down.

Gwen and Rhys are in Anwen's room as she sleeps. "No more Torchwood, alright?" Rhys states. "Yes, Rhys. No more Torchwood, I promise. I'll do my best to try and not intervene, but I can't promise anything. They might get to me and I can't help that." Gwen confirms that she won't go back to Torchwood once more. "Good. 'Cause this is why. Anwen is why we will never have anything to do with bloody Torchwood anymore. It's all just death and destruction." Rhys replies and they leave Anwen's room together.

In the morning at the shack, Martha and Mickey have been trying to discover the location of the aliens all night; however in the process, they fell asleep. Jack fell asleep next to Archie on the sofa, with Rex as the only one who went to sleep in a bed. Rex wakes up and finds the others still sleeping. "My, God! You lot just fell asleep researching, drunk and out of your minds. Well, as long as I had a good night sleep, I'm happy!" Rex says to himself and pours a glass of water and sits on a chair, waiting for anyone else to wake up.

James and Isabella slept on the sofa watching DVDs the whole night and woken by knocking on the door. "What...? Who's that?" Isabella questions rhetorically. James gets up to answer it. "Yes?" He says after he opens the door and notices that it's Sophie. "It's freaking 12 o'clock! You know, lunch time! Where the hell have you been?" She rants to him. "Hey... slow down, Sophie." James replies. "Base, now!" She shouts and leaves the two of them to make their way back to base. "Well, you heard her." James mentions to Isabella, implying that she ought to get up.

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