Hai =w=

14 0 0

Henry: Oke...! *He starts walking with Joey* So, wha's yer schedule...?


Virtue: Ah~! Th-Thank you~~ 


Cuphead: Pfft, apples are vegan, dumbass.

Grey: Don't call her a dumbass D:<

Cuphead: Wait, I called her a-?? I'm so sorry T^T


Valentino: *He grips tighter legitimately seeming like he's not going to hesitate to actually do it* 

Frisk: *They see how angry he is, terrified that he's going to hurt him* V-Valentino, please don't..!

Valentino: And thy the fuck not?! He's hurt Comic, threatened the little reputation he has, and not to mention, I just wanna tear the cock off of this selfish bastard's body! *His voice keeps raising louder, and he grips onto his neck and dick tighter* {You're starting to sound like Daddy when he's angry~} *He suddenly shuts up, releasing him* But... L... Like I'd stoop down to your level and hurt you. *He stands up* Just know that you're literal SCUM...

HSAU Book 1 | Welcome to High school!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt